Makaho Mai



1 year, 3 months ago


"HIIII :33"

Name Makaho
Last Name Mai
Race Human
Alias Flower Field
Ability Life Alteration
Age 16
Gender Female
Height 159cm
Place of Origin Human Village
Faith Life
Occupation Adventurer Support
Affiliation Koras Guild

  • Plants
  • Animals
  • Children
  • Sweet foods

  • Fighting
  • Blood
  • Injured friends
  • Negative emotions

Story: When Makaho was younger, she had met stargazer and often helped with cleaning his little hill from weeds, sticks and leaves. her father (a powerful adventurer) was killed in battle with ramsiel, so she had to move to her uncles house on the other side of the country, so stargazer gives her a gift of unlimited mana. one day while flower picking, she meets ynerva and koras, she loves their friendship so much she decides to travel with them and act as a healer/support. she breaks her arm during their first guild job. after the main group has a decently sized argument, she goes out walking alone, where she is attacked by aleister. she retaliates and surprisingly holds her own for a while, where she eventually gets desperate and awakens her ability, alowing her to infinitely clone herself. using this, she makes an unspecified amount of new makahos which just barely manage to kill aleister before makaho herself dies, with no one present to witness it. the clones all remain alive, and travel to different parts of the world. these clones all hold different personalities and ideals, different to that of makaho, and are refered to as "MKH" followed by their dedicated number. they can telepathically communicate when close to eachother. the final makaho, which resembles a much younger version of her, as she was created with her dying breath, re-befriends ruwin as they travel togheter. ruwin eventually gathers all the MKH's at stargazers tree and fuses them into the origional makaho, where she helps to beat up ramsiel.

Personality: Makaho is very kind and selfless, if you ask her to do something, she will, no questions asked. Shes been exploited and robbed multiple times due to this, but she simply thinks of it as assisting those who needed the money more than she did. She tends to overthink everything and cry alot.

Makaho is the support, healer and mascot of the koras guild. She helps with stuff like cooking, healing, and helping with placement advantages in battle.

Stargazer Acquaintance

Makaho used to help stargazer keep his hill tidy, which he repayed her with infinite mana, and access to her faith. Stargazer also has a soft spot for makaho, and helps her throughout the story.