


1 year, 6 months ago


Full name is Gabriel Capela. He is Brazilian, and insists in the Brazilian pronunciation of his name; if people can't do it or butcher it one too many times, he demands his surname be used in turn, as it was what he went by while in the army. Former rank of sergeant, discharged with honors just after being notified of a promotion to lieutenant; spent his last years in the army outside of the country, and reluctantly stayed there after leaving. Not particularly self aware, probably wouldn't be able to answer if someone asked about what he liked -- except for his boyfriend, Ryder, whom in turn is the one who catalogues the routine and tastes Gabriel doesn't realize he has.

Skirmish, doesn't like people being too friendly and playing it up to him like they're close when they are not. Very possessive of Ryder, as he thinks the man isn't aware of how charming he is, and how many people would try to steal him away if Gabriel wasn't a shadow by his back. He doesn't think himself a particularly good person, so he thinks Ryder could, actually, find someone better and scatter off-- but he is also selfish, and unwilling to let that happen.

He is also extremely attentive to Ryder and his needs, letting himself be a full body canvas for his man's experimentation and general art bouts. He is not particularly interested in the visual arts outside of Ry's concoctions, however, and generally prefers the audio format-- especially one particular, acronym-named band...