Ethereon's Comments

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Favorited and entered, love the design and colors, Thank you for the chance

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Favorited and entering. Love the glow. :3 and the colors and art.

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You're welcome, and thank you. ^ ^


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Faved, subbed and faved all the lads! <3

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faved all ocs and raptor

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Faved, subbed and faved 5 chars!

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This user's account has been closed.
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Subbed and faves two characters x3

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Thank you kindly. x3


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faved, already a sub and fav in the folder!

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Faved, subbed and it was a grave error I hadnt already faved the others

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Faved the design, Already subbed and faved all your characters in the folder! ^w^ 

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Sweet! ^w^

Faved, subbed, and faved all in the folder! ^^

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i want to enter

i already am subbed to you and i faved one of your characters as well this raffle

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