
[Was Male]

"All that's left of him are the Mushrooms"

Now Playing: Mushrooms/Dead People by Meredith Bull

99-991532_emoji-aesthetic-goth-grunge-edJaxx was once an unusual chimereon with a love for creepy things and scaring others. He had a dark sense of humor, and a few close friends who appreciated that sort of thing. He worked as a phlebotomist, and was actually very good at his job, despite his love of the macabe and penchant for pranks. He was skilled with a needle and could get in and out of a vein without the patient feeling a thing. 

Of course, this all changed when he got infected...
After exposure to the pollen of a mysterious fungi in the woods, Jaxx started experiencing symptoms, starting with lethargy and brain fog, and quickly progressed to amnesia and then paranoia and hallucinations. By this point, the mushrooms had already started growing up from his skin and he had locked himself in his home, too afraid to leave. It was too late for Jaxx at this stage, and soon after, the mushrooms had completely taken over. His eyes had gone milky white, and not only mushrooms, but spikes and inky black tentacles had sprouted from his body in various places. The mushrooms were in control, and there were only faint traces of Jaxx's personality left. Him and the Mushrooms were one, and they had only two goals:
Eat and Reproduce.

Jaxx can eat anything, as it just gets absorbed by his body as fuel for the mushrooms. Meat and any other flesh is what he goes for most, and he's not picky about where it comes from.
The mushrooms can reproduce in several ways, the first being with spores, which takes longer to attach and may fail. This can be inhaled or ingested. The second is a bit more tricky and involves injecting the ink directly into someone's body. It's a much faster method of infection and it's pretty much guaranteed to work. The closer the injection point is to the spine, the faster it works. Then there's getting ink or spores in an open wound, but that also has a risk of failure.
