.⌛ House of Pastries wip



1 year, 3 months ago


House of Pastries




  • TYPE Clan of extended family and dedicated outsiders
  • ESTABLISHED in 2005, during the founders' partnership ceremony
  • FOUNDERS Ashton, Tyler, Jaimee
  • LEADER(S) Ashton, Tyler, Jaimee and Reese (successor)
  • RESIDENCY Caementum Saltu, Mundus Fabulae
  • MEMBER COUNT 17 members
  • RENOWN FOR Generosity, Kindness and Community support
  • STATUS Ever-growing


"Be just as kind as you are sweet. For those who shoot can also bleed"

Starting out as the love between three men, the polycule grew out to be more than just a relationship status. Ashton, Tyler and Jaimee made it their life goal to spread kindness and as they built their relationship, so did the idea of The Clan. Living in a universe that has been rebuild after decades of war, the trio wanted to create something that brought people closer together. A place without hatred and pain. A safe haven that could bring even the saddest person to smile. They were quite adamant in developing this idea and so the concept for the House of Pastries was completed before dusk of the ceremony day.

In the first few years past the ceremony things slowly built up. The family came together to organize all kinds of days and moments to promote their project. Events for kids, game nights for adults, soup kitchens, school support, sports days. You name it, they had it. And because everything was focused on inclusiveness for everyone, word got out quickly and donations started flooding in. With these funds they could start helping civilians with problems they either had in and around the house, as well as personal issues, while still living as humbly as they did before.

The House of Pastries is known not for their greatness or power, rather for their kindness and patience. Even in such ways that rivalling gangs respect the grounds of this family and whenever they are to visit them simultaneously, a truce is kept in place to honor the efforts and beliefs of the Pastries Clan. On this land of peace, gang members often seek shelter when hurt as they are usually denied access to the hospitals in the area. Abigail and Chris are in charge of the patients and help patch them up while Mama Lorraine makes sure they are fed well. This care is all free of charge as the House of Pastries wants to promote kindness in hopes of the rivalling gangs to stop their practices.

The clan has several ideas on how to keep practicing their beliefs and are still developing ways to make their impact bigger. They hope to one day be large enough to operate on different sites. Not just in Caementum Saltu, but also in other parts of the country or even the planet. But first they are mainly focused on making a pathway towards peace and prosperity in the jungle of bricks that they call their home.


Peace, prosperity and happiness are the main elements that The Clan hopes to share within a place that used to be ridden in darkness. Coming from an era of pain and fear, these people are determined to spark a flame of hope and motivation in others to strife for a better world and to thrive in it. The House of Pastries are like a year-round Cupid, keeping people happy and in love with themselves and the world.

The House of Pastries are against governmental practices so within their own capabilities and with the help of others they made themselves a tax-free foundation to make sure not a cent of the civilians goes to a corrupt hierarchy and is returned to the civilians in many ways of support. Even though everyone knows that The Clan is allergic to anything the government does, the family makes sure to never mention this within company of other civilians, to keep the main goal of their facilitation intact. when people do ask the family about it they always answer the same. "We are not here to fight the government. We are here to help the people live in a state of great well-being and togetherness."


The House of Pastries stands for kindness, connection and community. They believe in helping everyone regardless of the fortune or position that person possesses and to not act based on societal judgement. They always approach situations with hope and love. Believing there's good in everyone but with rational and realistic expectations because they know the world doesn't perceive life as they do.

They do not speak of hatred and will always refer to any negative emotions to one party as "helping the other party" to keep themselves in a state of positivity, which helps them help others. They are very aware that anger and sadness exist they and will never invalue those who feel these emotions. What they will do, though, is to help these emotions be processed so the person who carries them can continue to focus on their life and the impact they have on the world.


  1. We built this house of memories to honor the legacy of love and kindness. Crime is forbidden and will lead to removal of the clan as your moral code doesn't honor what the clan stands for.
  2. Dictatorship is forbidden. As soon as a leader acts in greed their status is revoked and they will be trialed to determine whether removal of the clan is required.
  3. Rich or poor, The House of Pastries welcomes and helps all the living where needed.
  4. One does not need to posess the element of food in its dna, but it is required to act as though sugar, spice and everything nice runs through one's veins. Bitterness is part of nature, though we strive to only cover our works with the sweetest of smiles regardless of who we face.
  5. We are not to use any of the given funds for ourselves. All donations and profits we acquire will be put into the community and its needs.
  6. We are not to be treated as royalty and neither do we present as such. The House of Pastries is built on the foundation of humble hearts.




When carrying this role you are the leader of the Pastries clan and you are expected to be a guiding soul that makes decisions based on the needs of the many. Bakers practice a balance between righteousness and compassion and will judge from rationality instead of emotions


Cake Decorator

An honorable rank for those who have put a lot of themselves into the existence of The Clan, its status and its history. The Cake Decorators are celebrated on March 22nd as this is the day after Spring Equinox and embraces the idea of new life. Something the Cake Decorators have made possible in The Clan.


Pastry chef

The rank of those who were born into the House of Pastries. From the age of 16 they are expected to be a lead example to the members who join later in life. Family members have the chance to be chosen as leaders as well as to apply for this status.


Bakery Assistant

The rank of Pastries who pledged to live according to the values of The Clan. They are expected to spread light into the world and to keep themselves and eachother accountable without malintent.


The House of Pastries is welcoming to anyone. They built a community center in hopes of bringing people together. However, to become a member you either are born into the family, or you go through a trial where you are expected to show your values and then evaluated to see if you are deemed fitting to the House.

When you are born into the family, you are automatically part of the House of Pastries. However, when you turn 12 you can decide to be an active or inactive member. Then if you choose to be an active member, at the age of 16 you are expected to go through a 6 months long trial to prove your values regarding non-judgement. Family members who have chosen to be an inactive member can choose to become an active member at any given time. Then, when they turn 16, or as soon as this has been determined after they've turned 16, the 6 months long trial will start. Once they are granted the status of active members they won't lose it, so that even when they need time away, they don't have to retake the trial, unless they themselves want to or there exists doubt. Failing this trial will not result into exile but it will make you an inactive member again until you pass the trial. 6 months long trials can be started once every year. Inactivity means you are still allowed to help around the place but you will have a no voice in matters that need opinions of the House of Pastries.

When you are not born into the family you are able to apply for membership. When your application is approved you will go into a year long trial where you are kept under supervision of a leader or elder to determine whether you are a fitting addition to the House of Pastries. In this trial you will get periodical evaluations to determine whether things you do need to be adjusted to fit the House's values. If this trial results in you being deemed unfit, don't worry. You can apply again, one year after the trial ended.


There isn't a set location for the headquarters as most members do the Clan business from home. However, there is a community center where people from all around the area come for help that is ranged from just needing a nice chat, to garden help and more, such as financial guidance, building a home, etc. Every day, Mama Lorraine makes breakfast and dinner for the people who need food, so they can warm up and gain some energy to tackle the day. The leaders of the House of Pastries have set days where they visit the community center as they have assigned categories they offer help in and use that day to do the tasks, to not have to butt heads with their jobs.

The community center resides in the northern suburbian area of Caementum Saltu. A neighborhood that is currently being rebuilt after the current homes were deemed too old for safety standards. The neighbors mostly stay the same as they have been promised an upgraded home in the span of 3 months after receiving the letter of attention, however this does mean the people have to reside in hotels, or with family or friends until their home is finished. Because this project will take years to fulfill, the area is quite dusty from the sand and flying material residues, but this doesn't dampen the overall kindhearted mood of those who live there.

The community center has its own big parcel of land that is filled with a playground, small vegetable garden, garage and some other buildings that can be used for projects, meetings and more. It has a very welcoming atmosphere due to the bright colored flowers at the gated entrance and brick pathway towards the main building. The main coverage of the soil is clovers with the occasional picnic table for people to eat, chat, work and rest at. Every picnic table has its own small electricity pole with several outlets and USB hubs to charge the items people need to use. Even though the area around the community center is filled with building equipment and its noise, there's plenty of birds and insects to be found and heard around the building. This is mainly due to the lot bordering against a large forest park that is filled with very high and dense trees.


The House of Pastries is seen as a beacon of safety. They whole clan has a nurturing aura without any sense of conflict. What happens behind closed doors is lesser known and makes for a lot of rumors and speculation going from abuse to being an even more beautiful family than they show to the outside. To the public The House is a walking green flag. They listen to everything and everyone -the good, the questionable and the bad- without judgement. And while they are not seen as a higher up community, more than half the people think they are an exceptional and positively authoritive group.

The Clan's ethics and work makes that the public tries to be as them. This gives the suburbs that the community center resides in a very weloming, warm and supportive basis. The council and mayor of Caementum Saltu actually awarded the clan with a honorary title and award for community service and while The Clan isn't a fan of them, they happily accepted the award to show they mean no harm to anyone, even those they dislike and that they will never start conflict. This publicly advertised them to indeed be the people they say they are, gaining even more fans around their city as well as the surrounding ones.



  • AGE: 40
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Founder/Baker
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 38
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Founder/Baker
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 38
  • GENDER: Trans man
  • RANK: Founder/Baker
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 67
  • GENDER: Female
  • RANK: Cake decorator
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 69
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Cake decorator
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Inactive


  • AGE: 17
  • GENDER: Female
  • RANK: Successor
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 14
  • GENDER: Demiflux
  • RANK: Pastry chef
  • STATUS: Inactive


  • AGE: 8
  • GENDER: Female
  • RANK: Pastry chef


  • AGE: 38
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Pastry chef
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 35
  • GENDER: Female
  • RANK: Pastry chef
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 32
  • GENDER: Female
  • RANK: Pastry chef
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Inactive


  • AGE: 35
  • GENDER: Female
  • RANK: Bakery assistant
  • MEMBER SINCE: Ceremony
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 16
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Bakery assistant
  • MEMBER SINCE: Dating Reese
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 18
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Bakery assistant
  • MEMBER SINCE: Dating Reese
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 14
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Future member
  • MEMBER SINCE: Dating Remi


  • AGE: TBA
  • GENDER: Female
  • RANK: Bakery assistant
  • MEMBER SINCE: 2010
  • STATUS: Active


  • AGE: 26
  • GENDER: Female
  • RANK: Cake decorator
  • MEMBER SINCE: 2020
  • STATUS: Active

Code by Aurorean