The Mistress Sunny



1 year, 3 months ago




The Demi-Goddess of Light, blinded by her vanity and running from accountability.

Demi-Goddess of Light
The Aether


The Mistress Sunny is the Demi-Goddess of Light, and daughter of The Lord and CumulonTimbus.

She's an eccentric narcissist motivated by self pleasure who yearns to be the centre of attention at all times. She prefers bragging about how wonderful and important she is rather than taking responsibility. In fact, she believesherself to be above conscience and will proudly do anything to avoid accountability for her sins.

She's also very callous and condescending, often belittling others with her blunt judgments. Claims to know everything and will insist she's still correct if proven wrong. Only uses her power to boast rather than actually helping the less fortunate. Cannot take any criticism and gaslights reluctant followers by questioning their faith in her.
(I'd say this is around 25% of her flaws)


Sunny takes on the form of a slender, pale-skinned Seraphim with gold feathers. She has a long neck and long, blond hair covering her back, with her side burns extending out to the top of her for head and end in spiral bangs. She also radiates lights off her body as if she was a light source.

She dresses in a long, sleeveless cyan robe with a golden hem depicting her symbol. She also wears a smaller red cloth around her waist, also depicting her symbol. She wears make up and golden jewellery (most notably a halo neckless). She usually wields a large, golden magnifying glass/staff made to resemble the sun, containing the symbol of the Aether onto.

Self-Cantered - Lazy - Manipulative - Arrogant

  • Herself
  • Her reflection
  • Her voice
  • Stardust pudding
  • Milkshakes
  • "Disrespect" aka Criticism
  • Losing attention
  • Demons and Mortals
  • Paying Taxes
  • The Government
  • Manipulation of Light
  • Speed of Light
  • Summoning sacred artifacts
  • Self-healing
  • light arrows
  •  Gazing into a mirror
  • Sunbathing
  • Shopping with CumulonTimbus
  • Watching charades
  • Getting drunk off her ass

"Meeee... who doesn't love me?" 

✦ Lore

Sunny's birth was the result of The Lord and CumulonTimbus' dalliance. She was beloved by all within the Aether and had her every little want given to her no matter what or why. Her ego was a result of being spoiled and coddled her entire childhood, she was never excepted to do anything, so why should she bother? Of course all the blind praise she received was out of necessity on the Angels part rather than genuine admiration, but she didn't care. In fact, she was probably too stupid to even realise.

Around the age of 7 or 9 she was befriended by a high class Seraphim who grew found of her. Sunny didn't have any strong feelings (positive or negative) towards this Angel, but they were nice to have around and more importantly,  made her feel more important. The two of them ended up growing much closer to one another, often got into many shenanigans and adventures around the Aether for many years. However, once they entered their privet College, everything fell apart.

The Seraphim started becoming both more dependant from Sunny and even became somewhat popular. No where near as popular as Sunny, but enough to spark the soon to be Goddess's jealousy. So, one day Sunny challenged her friend to a dual of magic to prove her superiority, which resulted in a victory for Sunny so cataclysmic that she made a terrible mistake... one with severe consequences. Sunny threw all responsibility onto her friend resulting in their banishment from the Aether. Though she was relieved to have dodged consequence, she couldn't help feeling wrong. Throughout the next century of her life, she hid the guilt behind her confidence and self indulgence, as a way to convince herself she wasn't a horrible person.














  • Sunny was originally conceived as a genuinely helpful and laid-back mentor who suffered from imposter syndrome for being the daughter of the Lord. However, this version of the character didn't fit in with the initial second draft of the story.
  • ● Sunny's current personality was suggested by my friend, May Flowers during a Discord voice call, after brain storming a few shitposts with this version of the character, I realised this version of Sunny was perfect.
  • ● May Flowers also provided the voice of Sunny as well.
  • ● Her original design had her bangs be side burns dangling on the sides of her head, and her hair wasn't braided.
  • ● Sunny and Rucifel used to be romantic partners before the story, this is no longer canon.
  • ● the writing on her robe's hem is "Goddess" written in God-Tung, the language of the Eather.


The Lord and CumulonTimbus — Her lovely parents, who shower her in gifts and admiration. Sunny can't help but enjoy teir presence, often attending many family outings with the two. But like her mother, in times of peril such as the Angel Genocide, Sunny will abandon her farther and somewhat regrettably run for the hills.

Rucifel —  …just another filthy Demon...

Cane — The little peasant boy she found crying alone in the snow. He became Sunny's new servant assistant who'd for fill various tasks for her and take all responsibility for restoring the Aether. She finds the Cherub to be a charming even if she's annoyed by his reductants and constant questioning of her decisions.

Glaze — Her new "Military Commander" giving her access to a massive army. Sunny finds the General's stubborn-ness and reliance to be very rude yet also endearing. Messing around and pushing Glazes buttons is quite a fun pastime for Sunny, so it seems.

Danny and Mell — Cane's friends, one an dirty Human and the other a dreadful Demon. AS much as Sunny despises both of these types of creatures, she doesn't mind these two all that much. Especially Mell, who appears to be another worshipper of her.