


6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Hyssop

Aliases: angry wasp, ANGRY WASP

Domain: the Honeywell Hive

Familiar(s): the worker bees and grunts under her

Affiliations: Marigold (deity); Dandy (fellow familiar)

Physical Description: appears as a tall, slender young woman with the qualities of a wasp or a bee; particularly, her usual form assumes long black antennae and gossamer wings. has a considerable bust and long, thin arms and legs. despite her slight appearance, she is incredibly strong and wields a spear to protect her queen. has blond hair and orange-yellow eyes. speaks with a very cold, serious tone. smells like honey, paper, and lacquered wood. can also completely assume the form of a large wasp-bee like her sisters and Marigold.

Notable Characteristics: wasp/bee qualities (antennae, wings); tall and serious, commands a powerful presence; wields a spear and fiercely protects her queen and her hive. is usually seen with Dandy, and the two are Marigold's most prominent bodyguards. does nothing without the approval of her queen, her lord and lover.

Personal Profile: one of Marigold's servants, she and Dandy are the leaders of her hive. Hyssop assumes the much colder, serious role while Dandy is the cheery, nice companion, which leaves the former to carry out most of the dirty work. however, she loves her queen dearly and would do anything for her, and she and Dandy protect her with all their might. Hyssop also leads the other workers and grunts and oversees their work within the hive. Hyssop and Dandy are also the prominent scouts of the hive and gauge threats. 

Character History: she may have been human once, but she fiercely denies it. loves working for her queen more than anything else and she could never be happier.