


1 year, 1 month ago



Name Elliot


Age 21

height 180

birthday 21st June, 2181 (1990)

Occupation music producer, businessman wannabe

originally created in 2010

general info

The only test this man has ever passed was the drug test. Absolute dumbass who never cares about consequences, but loves his friends. Him, Armin and Charlie used to be schoolmates and now they still stay quite close, as they have one common hobby. He knows he's maybe not as musically talented as them, but he believes that he has a potential to become a huge business owner (he already owned one club, but after inspection, it's no longer his). While Hazel maybe acts like he's dumb, but in fact he's actually super smart, Elliot is a 100% authentic idiot. At least he is honest and openly admits to it.

a bunch of fun facts

- His natural hair color is pure ginger, his whole family is ginger
- Used to work in a pet shop and ice cream parlor (he wants to open an ice cream parlor, selling ice cream with you know what)
- He's also an amateur horror movie maker
- He was the worst student in the school, but never cared about it
- He already tried to sell weird stuff in school
- The only things he knows everything about are shrooms
- Addicted to darude sandstorm and god knows what else
- Has an older brother and younger sister, this whole family seems to have similar appropach to life as him
- Keeps making more or less stupid pranks to his mates
- Used to wear glasses as a kid, he should still wear them but he doesn't care
- At the beginning, when they were still children, he used to treat Charlie kinda mean, they wouldn't become friends if Armin wasn't there
- Has a parrot named Utopia, also had a snake in the past; his family lives next to the zoo, so he used to steal some animals from there
- He has an old rusty motorcycle which he deeply loves
- Names his tracks like askhgsdkjdfs, gdhksefg
- His grandma is a 90 yrs old fitness trainer
- He's in a relationship with Claudia... one day he is, the other day he's not...
- Has a slight crush on Ariel
- In 2203 Elliot becomes a dad of two
- His children are named Darude & Sandstorm


Despite Elliot was always known only for making mess in the school, he actually started to admire Armin, so even though it went kinda problematic, they eventually became friends. He was the one who showed him how to party very hard. Elliot finds this friendship very precious, but doesn't try to get deeper into Armin's unhinged acting, believing it's all the effect of the 🍄

Just like Armin, they also were in the same class, but they didn't get on well at the beginning. Elliot mainly used Charlie to copying homework from him, but later he started to slightly admire both him and Armin, so he stopped acting like jerk. They're still good friends, even though they have a bit different lifestyles now. Charlie doesn't even attempt to stop Elliot from doing absolute shit, he just knows it wouldn't work - and Elliot will always somehow come out unscathed.

Sharon didn't like Elliot during their first school years, but later she changed her mind about him, noticing that all of them, him, Charlie and Armin, are quite talented and full of motivation. Currently Elliot thinks that Sharon used to be more cool and easy going in the past and advices Charlie to finally get a different love interest. One of the main reason of the quarrels between the boys was if I should tell Sharon about you Chorli, They tried. It never turned out good.

Elliot had been buying the shrooms from Basil since long time and he never knew that it was actually Basil. It was a surprise for him, as the dealer was acting nice, while Basil is known for being such a mean beach. He thinks that he could ask Basil to start a business with him, but for now he's still a bit too afraid of him.

Elliot has a slight crush on Ariel, while she clearly states that he is too dumb for her and doesn't even bother knowing him better. One day he realizes that it's not exactly what he wants, so instead of throwing lame pick up lines at her, he tries to help her making Charlie more interested in her. It just can't go right.

Elliot and Claudia were the Romeo and Juliet in their school, knowing for constantely breaking up and getting back to each other.  Now it's just the same. They are able to break up and reconcile three times during one day,  Elliot had already proposed to her 3240312 times using many different things as engagement rings. 

Elliot is Leika's favorite artist, she'd love to know him better someday. One day when he leaves some magical shrooms around her beloved pet and the armadillo gets poisoned, she forgets about her fascination and literally wants to kill him. She attempts to do it a few times, even though her armadillo survives.

Elliot's parents are always totally laid back and never seem concerned about any of their children's actions, they're just okay with everything they do - they might be not the most responsible parents in the world, but okay, there are much worse cases...looking at you Armin's mom... His sister is currently in middle school and wants to become a plumber, while his brother designs cereal boxes.