
1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Atropa

Species: Centicorn

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 31

Personality: though outwardly always very calm, and sometimes even sweet, it’s very hard to tell what Atropa’s thinking or how she feels about someone. could often be described as eerie if youre generous or a bit of a creep if you arent. she’s cordial in her interactions with the nephians that seek her out, but it’s best not to insult, trick, or harm her; she’ll always find a way to make the offender pay for it later. 

Story: Atropa was cast out of her original centicorn herd. she was already kind of weird and didnt get along with many of the centicorns and when she gets a little older, she ends up hanging around & befriending a spinxyn,  in secret.. and they end up convincing her to work with them to do Something, (still marinating) but its a big deal and it needs her magic to pull off.

she trusts the spinxyn, they made her feel important and liked and so of course she’ll help them... only to end up taking the fall from her herd when they actually attempt the thing, and getting ostracized as a result

so shes left wandering for a while, meets more nephfei, and there ends up being a common thread where her strong connection with magic is useful to them, but her nature tends to put them off, and eventually she just gets tired of trying to connect with others. and eventually i think she gets back at them when she senses shes being used, with unusually strong curses or with her plants, which are quite often poisonous.. because shes tired of it, she just eventually gets so bitter and i think it taints her magic, if thats a thing that can happen

but rumors start spreading of this wicked centicorn poisoning people, and they make stuff up like how shes a witch whos poison tipped thorns grow from her flesh and how shell give you uncurable sicknesses if you cross her and things like that

and she starts enjoying it, because if she has this reputation then that means everyone would be too scared to take advantage of her. she isolates, gets herself a home in a cottage in the woods and continues to grow her plants.. but the rumors surrounding her get far enough that it reaches people that still desire her magic, and are willing to exchange offerings just for her own special, bitter curses and poisons. so i think shes basically becomes like a curse hitman or something lmao. she becomes the stories & finally controls her own narrative (: