Source Spaghetti Spy



1 year, 3 months ago


Source Spaghetti Spy


Source Spaghetti Spy 


SP, Spyghetti, Spoogi 


He/Him, It/Its 




Builders League United (BLU) {previously}, No Team/Freak {Currently} 


“It was a mistake, a horrible irreversible mistake….” 

Source Spaghetti Spy is a true neutral freak that came to existence from an accident of breaking the pools of reality. Ripping open the rift of his own existence and ours. After seeing that, some company that he never heard about ,called ‘Valve’, had information on him. The BLU decided to erase the information on himself. But this caused his very existence to change. Becoming a glitched being not of either existence.


Source Spaghetti Spy is at most times standing to 6 ft, but when he becomes unstable his form can be anywhere from 2 ft to 18 ft in height. He wears a standard issue blue balaclava, while his suit is a mess of purple and black squares. His gloved hands are claw-like, acting almost as his knives did in the past. Depending on his emotions his form will glitch, becoming a corrupted glitching mess. He always appears to be crying due to purple glowing liquid coming from his eyes and mouth. Some of his hair can be seen despite wearing the balaclava, floating in air no matter where he is at. There is no possible way of getting the hair to stop floating, no matter how hard he has tried.


At first Source Spaghetti Spy is wary of new people; watching others from a distance to make sure they won't be a danger to him. If someone outwardly shows aggression or wanting to harm SP he won't hesitate to defend himself, going from docile to violent in a matter of seconds. He would much rather choose fight over flight, tired of running away. Despite being quick to violence he does not seek out such things, staying neutral unless provoked. He would much rather make friends than enemies.

  • Reading
  • Learning about ways to use his newfound abilities
  • Hanging out with his friends
  • Scaring people for fun
  • When his form becomes unstable
  • Being seen as nothing more than a monster
  • Cold spaces, it reminds him too much of the void between realities
  • A lot the other Freaks tbh

The BLU Spy opened his eyes, body flickering and shifting every witch way. The man coughed, purple goo dripping from his mouth. His eyes also had the ooze coming from them, almost like tears from his eyes. Spy stood and took a gasping, painful breath. Clenching his chest with his slightly clawed hands… What had happened, and what was he?

When Spy got hired by Builders League United he wasn’t really sure what he was going to get into. Though it was hard getting used to the change from how he used to do work compared to the work at BLU, he began to thrive in this new environment of the Badlands. Every month or so the map changed for his team, and the enemy team. So there were a lot of different environments that he could get used to, others were better for his skills, others felt like he was kind of just not there. But nonetheless he enjoyed his job, and the odd quirks from his teammates as well as his enemies. During his time he formed a close relationship with the RED team's Sniper, he learned the man went by Echo.

It was only 2 years into his contract at BLU when his whole life changed, while heading through respawn it took longer than normal. He was lucid of what was around him in the machine, but this never had happened before. The man could move, Spy knew he wasn’t supposed to do that. So he did, and suddenly he wasn’t in his reality in respawn. He was floating around a pitch black area with strange islands around. Then he was falling. As he landed on one of the shifting, moving islands he noticed something. A folder floating in the air with his actual name, it was a classified document. So he grabbed it, seeing that the folder was from a company named Valve he took out his lighter and burned it. Only BLU should have a folder such as this with that type of top-secret information.

But as he burned the folder with his lighter, all he felt was pain. As if his atoms were ripping apart, he screamed. Before anything else could happen, his respawn timer was up. A glitching, unstable form came out of the spawn. Pained, confused and scared the Spy sobbed on the floor as his body spasmed and shifted around. He couldn’t move, couldn’t think, he was horrified. He never felt like this before. Once he was able to partially understand what had happened he fled. He couldn’t go back to his team, he was a monster. Who knew if they would even recognize him…. Spy’s heart felt broken.. What about Echo….


SP was very close to Echo before the accident, he would even consider him a friend. Maybe even more if he had the chance. But he was too scared after what had happened to tell him how much he cared for the other. Practically disappearing without a trace, Echo was left to believe his friend died in a respawn failure. Only to encounter Source Spaghetti Spy 5 months after the change. He was horrified to see what had happened.

Dospi was the first being just like him that he had met. The frankenstein monster of a ghost was honestly a very good source to vent to. As Dospi hadn’t met anyone like him that was, well, not murderous. Dospi sometimes was hard to talk to though due to the duo minds inhabiting one body. But nonetheless he is very good company.

At first SP was put off by the tentaspy, having heard horror stories about the type of creature Calamar is, as stories like that travel through bases. But he learned that his condition was caused by respawn as well and he couldn’t help but to feel sorry for him. As they both experienced the same thing, just in different ways. Soon growing to be friends.

  • Originally I made Source Spaghetti Spy on accident while using SFM, I was changing the textures to a model and decided. Hey, Im'a make him an oc. He was created on March 9th, 2022.M5VeM2SedMb39tIO_pfsEL3_DY5eBqFsqeGLQCh4
  • Light does not effect him the way it normally effects people. Sometimes he can be in a pitch black room, but he will look as if he was outside in the sunlight.
  • The goo that comes from his mouth and eyes can sometimes be edible, it tastes oddly like Blueberry Cobbler, Though you would most likely die trying to consume it.
  • Though most of his abilities are basic when it comes to freaks (such as his ability to teleport), he does have the ability to move through electronics. Though they become unstable and glitchy due to his unstable code.
  • Design: KevinZheChair
  • Sidebar image: Artist
  • Aesthetic images: one || two || three

code by icecreampizzer