


1 year, 1 month ago





1'2" (0.4m)

Team Accessory:
Hair bow


Blaze - Blaze is capable of great strength when cornered, and when the situation is truly dire, her fire type attacks gain a boost.

Ember - Blaze breathes out a small, hot flame. In addition to damage, this can be used to start a fire, or briefly provide heat and light.

Sunny day - Blaze creates a beam of light that focuses into a disk in the sky. Any heat and light shining into the disk is intensified, becoming harsh and powering up fire moves.

Reversal - Blaze draws on her fear, and channels it into an attack. If she's hurt or desperate, the attack is strengthened.

Detect - Blaze focuses on predicting the movements of another, allowing her to more easily dodge attacks. She can't keep this up for an extended period of time.

Personality: Blaze is quite timid, often second-guessing her own decisions, and not liking to take action before she has considered every possibility. She's more clever than she gives herself credit for, and has a sharp eye for detail. When situations turn desperate, she can find a surprising amount of strength within herself.

Knowledgeable - Blaze knows a lot about history and legends. She knows many old stories, could recognize most Legendary Pokémon, and even knows a thing or two about humans.

Careful - Blaze takes her time and plans ahead. She considers various possibilities, and notices potential dangers before they arise.

Clever - Blaze is sharp-witted, capable of coming up with a plan even when the situation is tough.

Timid - Blaze is easily frightened, and often lets that fear prevent her from taking action.

Indecisive - Blaze is good at coming up with ideas, but until she's sure she's figured out which one of them is the best, she can't bring herself to pick one.

Physically weak - Blaze has never been much for battling, and she struggles with tasks that call for physical strength.

Blaze has always had a fascination with stories and myths. She is especially interested in the ones that that speak of humans and another world. She has a huge collection of writings on the topic. She admired exploration teams, and loved the idea of traveling the world and uncovering ancient mysteries, but never quite gathered the courage to become an explorer herself.

Until she met Blitz. When she first found him- a stranger lost in the woods with missing memories, she couldn't help but be reminded of stories about humans that had made their way to the Pokémon world. When she floated the idea of forming an exploration team with him, she was surprised by how quickly he agreed. Blitz marched directly up to the guild leaders, leaving Blaze scrambling to keep up.

As they traveled together, Blaze gained a great admiration for Blitz's courage and determination. She's not given up on her interest in the human world, and when Hoopa announced their tournament, Blaze was thrilled by the possibility of seeing it with her own eyes.