Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

ACTIVITY PSA: Due to all the drama from utubers rotting my damn brain and the stress of social media addiction- I only log in every few days to handle profiles, and my species. I still do art but I wont always upload it anymore- or my stories.

ย Active Trades and Friends are the only priority for communication for me. Otherwise just be patient or bump your message if I haven't responded in a week!


Im redoing my profile warning to be less harsh and be less of a mouthfulย just hoping people actually read and pay mind to common deceny or common logic without the harsh tone-

for now just read through this ๐Ÿ’ซ Profile/Personal Warnings ๐Ÿ”ฎ

I allow fanart of all my characters! Just pay mind to Drawing Warnings or Character Profile warnings on each character- if they're there!




๐Ÿ”ฎ Do not offer on ANYONE unless they are explicitly UFO in some sort of trade folder. I've had too many issues atp with trying to be nice and hearing out offers even when Im tent on characters/declining any offers on characters im tent with- so for now just dont offer on anyone unless they have a "uft" tag, are being advertised, or are linked in a trading ad.ย 

I might loosen this in the future once I've found a stern warning that isn't as brash as it was a few years ago, but for now adhere to this rule or I will just block you.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Moving stuff around, deciding on folder placements, and changing my TH aesthetics so things might look a lil wonky but feel free to ask where X or Y is on my Toy house profile comments!ย 

๐Ÿ”ฎ To clarify/double down: if you are from one of my trading ads, DO. NOT. SNOOP. You may ask if something is still for trade if you are confused on my wording but don't assume and just offer.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Going forward I will be going back to putting my foot down and going by my warnings in a stricter manner. However if you have offered on something and I never gave a definite answer, please DM me on my discord. Im a system and my TH gets RACKED with notifs. Ty.


Trading Stuff


๐Ÿ”ฎ NEW: My Blacklist is currently private but if someone mentions being blocked by me, they are 100% on that list and I ask you don't trade them any of my designs.

> Anyone who attempts to harass me through another user: You will remain on the blacklist and I will immediately block/blacklist that user if they continue after I inform them you are blacklisted/blocked by me. Not sorry that's basically harassment. <3

> Anyone blocked by me/on my blacklist is also not allowed to enter or participate in any species I own or run. If you already own a species character it won't be voided, but you aren't to attempt to own any further species characters, etc.

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