Isiik Lavellan's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Wolfcat_hybrid Global Rules

Don't ask if any of my characters are available to trade or buy! They are not unless stated otherwise!

Please no gore unless specified otherwise! 

Characters will have their pronouns listed in their bio, please try to use them correctly. 

Alternate outfits are usually welcome, I only ask that you don't put trans characters in outfits traditionally only worn by their agab without asking first.

I'm polyam! So are many of my characters! Feel free to draw any of them (including the ones already in relationships, as long as it isn't framed as cheating) being romantic with other characters as long as their ages fall within the 'half your age plus seven' rule, and its in line with the character's identities. Feel free to ask if you aren't sure.