Oracle Vela



6 years, 23 days ago


22 | Cocky space lady | Female

"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you"


Super cocky and stubborn
Sarcasm is her second language

Crown floats above her head and spins slowly, she has no idea where it came from, it's not physical, if you try to touch it it'll just disappear and come back a few moments later
Might be ablessing, or a curse.

Can predict the future but she can only see vague images of what's going to happen, she can't go in much more depth, it can cause some anxiety but she's learning how to deal with it.

Her eyes are super sensitive to light so they're always watery, she's not really crying
Has a real name but never tells anyone, maybe she forgot?
Hair is always tied because it falls on her face if not

Fun fact: She's crazy about space and has basically everything space related, but the sea is also one of her obsessions, specially different types of ships and boats, she has a few miniature bottled boats scattered in her room, given by a friend; If you talk to her about space pirates she will faint, Argo Navis is her favorite consellation.
Fuin fact²: 'Vela' means sail


SPACE, Talking, SPACE, boats and ships, SPACE, pirates, SPACE PIRATES


Being ignored, people not taking her seriously, having sensitive eyes

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