Ahhhh thanks to that comment I finally understand how the grid works, thank you! It's a shame cause I would have liked B3 but it's been nabbed already. Ta much! 

Grumpy is one of my partner's favorites to suggest for grids and breeding results from. So odds are that there'll be another chance at a B3 slot at a later time. (It's a lot of fun to do multiples from the same couple, because there's surprisingly a lot that can be done. Especially with those two)

If you'd like a breeding between Narith and Grumpy, I can ask the other two if they would be cool with another sibling for their designs XD (The two results for that slot are owned by friends, and those two usually love seeing more designs from the same concepts from me.)

And I'm usually open for custom commissions, though those start at $20. (So if you want a girafarig, or a different themed girafarig/cynda-line hybrid, you can always go that route, too)

If you can't tell, I want to be able to get people designs they like if they like my stuff >.>;;

Heck yeah, sounds good to me! I confess I'm a bit bamboozled by your list of design options though 😅

Hmm can I maybe message you about a custom then please?

Sorry for the delay in getting back to these comments. Christmas is a surprisingly busy time, lol. Even when not spending it with extended family or friends or anything. That said, of course! Just drop a message my way when you get around to it :3 I look forward to trying to make something that you'll enjoy =D

So the idea would be to breed them, not just get the Girafarig, is that right? 

Correct. The parents are owned by me and Inkblotfox. Narith and Shafel is my Fari character because I loved the concept of owning one where the tail hood was an actual hood that is often worn around their neck.

A3, D3, and Glitch 3 are the slots that are currently open for Narith to influence :3

Can I get a glitched out slot with Walking Ruin Frostar and also a glitched out slot with Grumpy?

You sure may. I'll get started on that now.
Would you mind getting me your paypal email, so I can send an invoice? (Either here or DMs, whichever you prefer. If you do it on here, the comment will be removed once the invoice has been sent.)

Update: Both of these hybrids will have different colors. (the Walking Ruin one is flagged to be shiny and the Grumpy one is flagged to be Melanistic)
Would you like the alternate color palette for them (The "normal" versions) for the extra $5? (Just one-time add-on, rather than charging you for both of them, if you want both normal palettes)

I won't be able to send my payment till my payday tomorrow but yeah I'll add on the "normal" colored versions for both ^^ so that'll be $45 total if I did my math correctly? I'll dm you my PayPal email