
1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Vykari

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 96

Race: Dunmer

Orientation: Lesbian

Occupation: Nightingale


Physical notes/desc:

  • ashen face with deep red eyes and a tied back and braided hairstyle. 
  • wears chalk white facepaint, which covers one of the scars in the corner of her mouth
    • she has another scar across her left cheek
  • fairly tall, standing at 5'11''
  • Athletic, with a fair amount of stamina

Occupation notes/desc:

  • wip (aka: idk what to write here yet)
  • as a Nightingale she obviously worships Nocturnal, and after attempting to steal the mace of Molag Bal, she became his champion as well. 
  • Tends to gravitate towards her bow, as she enjoys a hunt and arrows are easy to come by - but she also makes use of her mace for close quarters combat, or her sword (depending what she has on her)
    • she's never been strong enough to effectively wield heavy, two-handed weapons
  • she's not much of a magic user, but knows a handful of useful spells - though she's without proper training
    • she did effectively teach herself invisibility spells, however

Personality notes/desc:

Having lived her early years with restraint, especially surrounding money and her 'peers' within the walls of Windhelm, Vykari tends to do what she wants, as she wants. Even when visiting people she knows/is close to, they'll often find one or two items missing after her departure. Things simply go missing around her. That isn't to say she's completely heartless, as she'll often help people with their troubles - legality of those troubles aside - for a fee, a fee that depends on the person's status. In other words, if she feels she can milk it, she most definitely will - and she's most certainly not above force to squeeze payment out of people. 

Vykari is rough spoken and comes across fairly aloof, even when expressing concern for others. Even her marriage with Tonilia began as one of convenience, though this eventually did change. Tonilia became one of the very few people Vykari would stake her life for, though they both do enjoy an open marriage as they spend so long apart. 

Despite not wanting to live poor, Vykari still hoards her wealth -  preferring frugality over radical spending. This even comes down to the gear she uses, preferring to steal or discover it - even make her own - rather than buy from merchants. As for food, well things go missing from markets all the time. Her extreme stinginess isn't lost on her wife, who is a tad perplexed as to how such a successful thief is so cautious with money. 

Background notes/desc:

  • Her parent's were refugees of the Red Mountain eruption, just managing to settle in Windhelm
  • for most of her early life, Vykari lived in the Grey Quarter
  • She'd always had nimble fingers, and would often steal bits here and there to make a little extra gold and feed her family - being locked up every so often never really stopped her. 
    • as she was so persistent, and caught so often by guards, other people used to used to use her as a scapegoat if they were caught
  • As she grew up, she came to resent the Nords, despite her parents teaching her to be thankful for their generosity, she found their blatant discrimination disgusting, and would target them specifically when taking things 
    • as a result, she rarely takes jobs from Nords in the present, and when she does she charges plenty extra
    • she won't even entertain much friendly conversation with one
  • Eventually, she left Windhelm and travelled a while before being mistaken for a wanted criminal by the Imperial Legion and taken to Helgen for execution alongside some Stormcloak rebels.
  • She narrowly escaped after the dragon attack, opting to head towards Riften after staying a night at Alvor's home, where she eventually joined the Thieves Guild, and mastered her skills to climb the ranks
    • For a long time, the Ratway was her home, and despite her inherent dislike for Brynjolf, he did prove to be a good mentor to her. Though she never warmed up to him as much as he would've liked. 
    • It was here she met and married Tonilia, as the two were useful to eachother - the marriage eventually blossomed into one of love, but they both regret using eachother from the beginning
  • She still travelled around a lot, even ending up back in Windhelm briefly, where she managed to piss off the Dark Brotherhood by 'stealing' one of their contracts. She's technically bound to them in payment, as now she owes them her services, but she does her best to avoid them when she can. 
  • She also caught the attention of the Jarl of Falkreath, to whom she promised some booze and a good time, then ghosted him. 
  • After becoming a Nightingale, she heard about the resurgence of the Dawnguard, and decided to investigate, eventually contracting vampirism in the process 
    • after which she clears Dimhollow, where she finds Serana
    • Although there was significant... friction between them, the two became close after the ordeal against her father. Now, Vykari views her as the sibling she never had, and tends to allow her to tag along on her travels. Plus, the girl is very good at reminding her to check in on her wife every so often. 


Despite her persistent bad luck in her youth, Vykari had always been a follower of Nocturnal, wishing that this would allow her skills to improve. Of course, simply worshipping a daedra was never going to do that, and her time with the Thieves Guild proved a hard learned lesson. However, eventually becoming a Nightingale felt like a dream, as she was closer to Nocturnal than she had ever been before then. She became the Agent of Subterfuge, which proves very handy on the off chance she's caught somewhere she isn't supposed to be, or otherwise engaged in an unfair battle. 

Other than that, she carries the Mace of Molag Bal, a gift for helping trap a priest of Boethiah, however Vykari has never found herself worshipping him. To her, the mace is little more than payment for a job, despite his apparent claim over her. She doesn't often use it, as she prefers to avoid close quarter combat, but she can't deny it's usefulness in sticky situations. 

Idea dump (wip):

  • literally slept with Alvor's wife on the first night after the dragon attack. 
  • beat the shit out of 2 bandit chiefs with a random horse
  • promised the jarl of falkreath booze from riften, but then immediately ghosted him
  • Champion of Molag Bal - purely by accident, she just wanted to steal the cool mace
  • With the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves guild
    • did, in fact, punch Grelod to death
  • also a vampire 
  • also also a stingy mf