Robert Oliver Jones



1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Robert Oliver Jones

Epithets: none. only responds to Robert Oliver, never call him "Robbie" or "Ollie"

Occupation: Wandering Hero

Appearance: A handsome guy with sporadic energy (5'6"), Robert Oliver has bright red skin, yellow eyes, and disheveled brown hair. His body type is fit but on the slender side, and his attire usually nothing of note

Powers: Martial Prowess, Cooking Skills, Fire Resistance

Race: Demonborn (born of human parents) 

Town: Mannford (formerly)

Allegiance: The Cause™

Backstory: The Jones family owns and operates the only tavern in Mannford, The Promised Land, where they predictably serve nothing but bland, bread-based dishes. However, due to town rules prohibiting the duties of demonborn (of which Mannford has a disproportionately large population), one of their own could not participate in the family business.... and what a shame it was, for Robert Oliver was the most passionate of the bunch. 

Nevertheless, he was determined to make himself useful, and so, he ultimately joined the town guard (one of few duties open to his kind). There, he made some friends and was generally regarded as something of a class clown, but still, he had his sights set on something far more ambitious. He wanted to bridge the gap between the humans and the demonborn, and so, he set up a unity event of sorts which aimed to do just that.

Unfortunately, while his rousing attitude may have served him well in the town guard, it invigorated old tensions between the two village groups... and ultimately, accidentally incited a riot. Fellow villagers, fellow demonborn were injured, and out of shame, he fled the village. But he never intended this to be the end of things.

Nowadays, the ever-energetic Robert Oliver wanders Uthervalde as a small-time hero, in hopes that he may one day return to Mannford with all the right answers. Just... don't expect him to slow down for anyone's sake.


☼ he's bi

☼ he has osteoarthritis in his left knee, and has based his style of combat upon working around it

☼ he carries a book of recipes wherever he goes