
1 year, 3 months ago


Initial Creation: 2015

Info: Originally named Ink, Augmented Reality (AR, for short) was originally from another story before being transferred to CK. In the story, AR also came from another universe. He was the son of a revolution head who was eventually imprisoned for avenging his mother and got magic-ed away into the CK dimension for his crimes. He sees Dormere as a parallel to the kingdom he and his mother revolted against, so he plans to take down Dormere's royalty as an act of vengeance. His puppet in most early drafts was Jeremy, preying on his hatred for the crown. Later drafts used Luke, based on later plot events. Either way, he manipulated his puppet into leading a revolution (as AR was incorporeal), getting as far as seizing the castle before they realized what they were doing was wrong. AR would later find another person to take over ( I don't think I ever fully decided on which other character) and then y'know, big bad stuff ensues.

Prior to CK, AR was a weird, sleep-walking alter-ego of my sona/mascot at the time, and was named Ink. Both CWD and Ink were transferred to Crowned Knight when I stop using them as sonas. They were rivaling siblings whose fight caused the creation of magic. Each had one wing and needed the other to fly, but Ink eventually stole CWD's wing and cast her into Dormere. 

Ink/AR lasted in the story longer than his sister, but both were ultimately scrapped from CK.

Additional Notes: Had a bipedal redesign as well as a more beastly form at one point, but both refs are lost at the moment. I have traditional sketches of the redesign somewhere, I may whip up a quick recreation for storage sake. 

Reason for Retirement: I got rid of the revolution plot line as it no longer made sense with the current world building. Plus the multi-universe thing kind of came from nowhere, it made more sense to me to have the big bad originate in the story/world organically.