


8 years, 7 months ago


Taphian the Pirate
Name: Taphian
Meaning: "In Homeric Greece, the islands of Taphos lay in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Acarnania in northwestern Greece, home of seagoing and piratical inhabitants, the Taphians."
Nickname: Tabbie
Gemstone: Translucent Royal Blue Acrylic Ice Rock
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Paired with: N/A -Open
Species: Cinidae [Closed]

Personality: Quiet, Stealthy, Loner, Shy, Blunt, Awkward, Soft, Mature, Level-Headed, Advanced, Loyal, Protective,
Purpose in life: Unknown
 "For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found, elseways everyone would know where it was.."  -Taphians

Skills: Twisting peoples words, Sword play, Drinking
Collects: Bottle caps, Eye patch designs, Beads
Likes: Sailing, Water, Storms, Listening to songs, Relaxing, Drinking, Exploring, Navigating, Playing with Children, Children, Fishing
Dislikes: Loud crowds, Spiders, Dirt on his hat.

*Although he can be very blunt he has a hard time understanding most people. He is normally disconnected to the real world.
*He loves children since they do not try to have full conversations with him and are quite happy just having a simple sword fight with him.
*Many think he is a mute for he is so awkward around other people and his deep thick accent often get's in the way of people understanding him anyway.