



Gorgonzola, or just Gonzo for short, is an ex employee of Pizzaheads! Working at Deli's located on each floor in the hub areas, he basically was the only place to get real food that wasn't just pizza or canned shit from pizzamart. During the game, his function would be to provide Peppino upgrades purchasable with leftover Toppin money, capping out at 50. Instead of using money for Mr Mooney, Peppino would be able to buy deli foods and get upgrades to certain aspects of the game, such as a speed boost, point multiplier, more time added to Pizza Time! and other shit I haven't thought of yet. Peppino would be able to buy the same upgrade multiple times if he desired, gaining a multiplier of a certain amount each time. These upgrades were permanent! Gonzo isn't supposed to help Peppino during the game, but he gained a small crush on the Italian and thus decided he could "look the other way."

During the ending of the game, Peppino brings Gonzo along for the escape sequence alongside all the other allies he made. When the rubble is all settled, Peppino offers to give Gonzo a job at his place, considering he just destroyed his income provider just now. Gonzo accepted immediately! But when everyone else leaves the site, Gonzo stays behind. Mourning the tower, he really loved his work, and especially loved his boss. That's when he hears groans of pain in the distance, and finds Pizzahead in an injured heap lol. Gonzo takes Pizzahead in, and nurses him back to health all while working for Peppino, since PH doesn't have a home anymore. The two grow much closer during this time, and even when Pizzahead could be reasonably on his feet, he stays as Gonzo's roommate and also fuckbuddy. and maybe boyfriend. perhaps. I'M GAY OKAY SHUT UP LEAVE ME ALONE. Peppino learns about their relationship when Pizzahead drops off lunch for Gonzo one day out of disguise, before he can throttle the pizza man Gonzo explains everything. Peppino hates it, but concedes. He acts nice toward Pizzahead for Gonzo's sake, but when the two are alone they are basically killing eachother. Pep may or may not return Gonzo's childish crush, but he is very protective of the axolotl after everything, and won't hesitate to destroy Pizzahead if Gonzo is ever hurt by him.

Eventually, Gonzo tries to "train" Pizzahead into being a good guy, but it doesn't really work. Pizzahead acts very innocent around Peppino, and says he is a changed man, who has no ill will toward the italian. he's lying.

As far as personality goes, Gonzo is introverted and kinda stupid. Gonzo is a hopeless and helpless romantic, loving all things love and romance, especially the simple domestic stuff. He wants nothing more than to be a pretty househusband that gets loved on constantly. Gonzo is a mime! and doesn't talk often, being nonverbal most of the time, but he can talk if he wants lol. He is actually VERY dumb. Asks pep what animal the pink panther is on a daily basis. but he has a weird patchwork of knowledge. just... that one dan vs scene, thats him. you know the one.

Misc trivia; Gonzo calls Pizzahead "sir" even when they are dating (its a habit that never got fixed), Pizzahead calls Gonzo "toots" or "dollface" constantly, Gonzo is gay and cisgender, his favorite pizza is plain old cheese, height is 4'5" in contrast to Pizzaheads nearly 8'.