Tios the Accursed Disease




Not metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, or any other fancy way.


Straight up.

= = = =

You imbeciles, you worthless occultists!
You can't leave me here.
I'm not just another MORTAL you can toy with, I'm not even an undead!
I'm something ELEMENTAL, FUNDAMENTAL to nature!

= = = =

The unhinged mad scientist version of Tial Marubah / Tial Mechanical.

Tios is a small demonic entity that represents disease. They love studying microbes and engineering newer more dangerous strains. All illness-related mass extinctions can be attributed to their doing.

They're much more hard-working than their cohorts, always trying to improve their craft, so hopefully, someday, one lucky strain will not be cured.

They're very arrogant and see mortals as nothing more than playthings and test subjects to infect. No remorse, no regret. They wish they would all just roll over and die, instead of constantly trying to cure diseases.

The reason they're so passionate, they want to impress Mulu, the primordial chaos and lord of everything demonic. They want Musuh to notice them and maybe even promote them to Horseman of the Apocalypse: Pestilience.

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Alternate versions to the character:

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The Demons: