Hiro Azumi



1 year, 2 months ago



Name Hiro Azumi
Age 25
Gender Male
Race Japanese
Occupation Ramen Shop Chef


Hiro has got to be one of the nicest guys many people could ever meet. He is a kind and friendly guy who wants the best for everyone. However, this people-pleasing attitude leaves him gullible and able to be pushed around. It takes a lot for Hiro to finally snap and want to stand up for himself. A big fan of teamwork and getting along, Hiro always does his best to be agreeable and work well in a team. It helps a lot in his work! He is an incredibly caring older brother and would do anything to make his siblings happy, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness. Hiro works incredibly hard to make sure his family business is kept afloat. He is sensitive to other people's pain and often finds himself crying alongside others. He can be easily spooked and has a weak stomach.


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