


1 year, 2 months ago


a sketchy man who is friends with nugget and sometimes hangs out with cosmo to try and get close to nacho for some reason(maybe for info or something he has), tenders helps cosmo later on with his goal of creating the space realm, the two had formed a very strong bond from working together and tenders just wants to see cosmo achieve his goal even if it means loosing the person he cares for

not much is known about tenders past, the only thing he knows is one day he awoke in a "lab" to a shadow standing over him and a odd resemblence to a specific person, though tenders wishes to make his own path and not accept that side of his past anymore.

Tenders would later on proceed to help Cosmo gather enough magic to form space realm, he was not afraid to get his hands dirty if it meant helping the one he cared about succeed at his goal in life. When cosmo entrusted the help of a certain someone, tenders was not sure if he could trust them in fact what motivation did this person even have to help out. In the end Tenders decided he would stay by cosmos side even when cosmo blew up in the explosion that formed space realm, in the aftermath he was reborn as Orion.