🌊 Valentin (Backup)



1 year, 3 months ago


Valentin Desjardins

Age 24
Gender Male
Species Cleffa
Level 5
Ability Magic Guard
Nature Serious
Characteristic Hates to Lose
Height / Build 5'4'' / Inverted Triangle
Team Rank ---
Branch Wayfarers
Team Sea Soul
Position Leader


Positive Traits

Adventurous: Despite his grumpy nature, exploring is deep in his bones thanks to years of being told stories by Madame. He is always down to finding new places no matter the danger involved in whatever task he is doing.

Loyal: While not blindly loyal, once you gain his trust and loyalty, you will find no better pokemon to have your back.

Detail Oriented: Due to his training with Lumiere, he's gotten used to noticing the small details of his surroundings and people. He even has a small notebook he takes notes in when he can for these things.

Neutral Traits

Serious: Valen doesn't joke around a lot or try to keep things light- always concerned about the safety of his team and those he cares about, he focuses on that over having 'fun' all the time.

Honest: Valen tends to always say how it is, which can both be a good and bad thing. You can always trust him to tell the truth in most situations, however he has no filter and can be honest to the point of bluntness, not noticing (or sometimes caring) if he offends someone.

Negative Traits

Competitive: When challenged, he doesn't tend to back down, and likes to compete against others. He wants to be the best and tends to get down when he loses.

Grumpy: His default state is serious and grumpy. He doesn't tend to enjoy being overtly social at first, and it takes a while for him to warm up to people.

Stingy: Where he can save money or food, he absolutely will. Largely due to his growing up before he was found by Lumiere.

Island Name & Hometown

TLDR: Madame and Valen are from Mauna, specifically Warren!

--------------- Full Description Below ---------------

Mauna Island, an island largely populated with tall mountains and lush jungles at the bases of each. Most pokemon tend to prefer the coast or the mountains themselves, and as such the jungles surrounding the mountains run unchecked. Despite this, Mauna is a surprisingly popular place for pokemon to travel to. Perhaps it's those looking for an escape, or those looking to train at the various environments that Mauna holds! Who knows~?

While there are many areas to settle down and claim as your own territory (if you aren't just visiting), there are three main cities to promote trade and socialization

Sea's Hook

Named for the shape of the port, Sea's Hook is the main port town located on Mauna, and is an odd one at that. While it doesn't outwardly promote violence, discord, or other criminal activities, it also doesn't exactly punish it. As long as you follow the rules set out within the town, at least. They may be criminals but they are respectable criminals, and typically don't seek to cause problems for the other inhabitants on the island- At least the locals don't. There are occasionally newcomers that don't get the memo and those are swiftly dealt with. This is a safe haven for those that need a place to call home regardless of occupation. The other unspoken rule is that bounty hunters typically don't hunt in town. Anywhere else on the island? Or off of it? Sure. But in town, it's a neutral ground that somehow co-exists.


Warren is a cave city, located within the tallest mountain on the island. Reinforced through years of hard work, it is a very stable and expansive city! Large cieliengs lined with glowing lights (produced by crystals) are common among all levels of the city. You find a lot of artisans focusing on stone and jewel craft here, miners, and pokemon hoping to get used to running through various environments before joining up in a team! There are four levels to the city!

Main Level: This is what greets you when you enter Warren! It is large and bustling with people and markets. Stalls both buying and selling goods are placed all around. Ther eis a large building to the side that reads "Information and Applications" - the place to go if you want to gather information on Warren or apply for selling permits, housing permits, training permits, or work permits!

Level One: One above the main entry level, which houses those pokemon that act as guards to the mountain, or prefer easy flying exits. It is also the entrance to the high altitude course that pokemon can take to train themselves on. Runners must have a permit and be logged upon start of the course in case of need for rescue.

Sub Level One: This is where the main housing for pokemon are if they wish to reside in the city!

Sub Level Two: This is where they have artificial greenhouses to help grow food. The entrance to a mine is here, available for workers or pokemon hoping to explore and maybe practice rescues (or explorations) in rough, no light , terrain with minimal risk. All practice runs must be run through the permit building, and runners are logged when they enter so that if they are not out in time, a proper rescue team can be sent in to retrieve them. It is also where you want to go if you are looking to explore one of the main underwater caverns (or slip out to the waters from here, Pokemon can choose to enter from here as well but will be stopped at the elevator up to be questioned on permits and intentions!) - An underwater course is also available to be run, same rules applying as the altitude and cavern courses.

The last city is one not as populated as the other two. Nestled deep within the dense jungles around the mountains. It is really only occupied by the strong or evasive or reclusive pokemon. They don't like to be bothered with most of the island, but if needed some locals might be willing to help with rescue from pokemons lost within the lost jungles.


Content Warning: Mentions of Child Abandonment and Child Injury.

TLDR: Valen had a strict upbringing until three, got abandoned on his fourth birthday and gained his scars then, found by his future adoptive mom, and lived a mostly happy life after, learning how to trust select people again. Eventually heard about the GCSF and begged Lumiere go go with him. And that's how Team Sea Soul was formed-- riveting right?

--------------- Full History Below ---------------

Valentin didn't have an easy childhood to start with. His parents had settled in Noza and had been happy there. He wasn't intended, and it wasn't exactly a safe place to try and raise a kid. They managed to raise him for three years, though even that wasn't easy on the little cleffa. He was raised in a strict house-hold. Rules upon rules. No going outside. No loud noises. No asking questions. Eat what you are told to. Don't eat more than what is given. That sort of thing.

The one day his parents took them with him, claiming they were going to the port, Sea's Hook. During the trip, they asked if he wanted to play a game. Not knowing anything different, Valen had gotten excited that his parents wanted to play a game with him for once, so he agreed. They told him they were going to play hide and seek. All he had to do was go hide, and they would seek him. Too young to understand just how dangerous the jungles were, he nodded and ran off to find a hidding place. And waited.

The first day was fine, he was a little hungry but he had a small pack of food his parents had left for him. He stayed hidden in a tight little hollow that kept him from being detected by any animals. The second and third day followed in a similar manner, but with growing distress within the little cleffa gijinka who had just turned four. What a birthday gift this was. Food ran out on the fourth day, and he found himself dehydrated. Scared, hungry, and thirsty, Valen crawled out of his little hollow and attempted to find something to sate one of those three needs. He managed to find some fresh berries, but no parents. But he scurried back to his hollow, wary of the sounds he was hearing. On the fifth day, what he found instead was a startled feral animals. In his escape, his ears were clawed and his distressed screams pierced the air. He ran and hid back in his hollow, sobbing to himself.

It was as night fell on the fifth day, leading into the sixth, that he was found by the local rescue organization. Valen never found out how they knew to be looking in the forest. Or why they were. But they had heard his cry and had started their search for him. All he really remembers of that night is the burning pain in his body from the claws and the warmth of feathers cocooning him close.

It took years under Lumiere's attention for him to even open up to anyone again. She was the first, but not quite the last, to gain his trust. Eventually she became his mother figure, devoting her time and money and resources to raising him. The rules were different. Things were warmer. He was happier. Only later developing the thought that all of this was at the cost of her own dream. The tales of adventure, things she had done or wanted to do. All had to be put on hold. For him. He was selfish that he hadn't wanted this to change.

It was why when he was twenty and heard the start of the GCSF, one to promote exploration of other islands and dungeons, that he felt a spark of hope. He could explore, and give her the chance to explore too. He would protect her, she would protect him. They had this! Of course she expressed her doubts, and only relented when he agreed to spend some time running through the various courses on the island to get fit and at least somewhat ready for what they would get into.Once that had been done, they were on their way. Branch path set, Team Sea Soul of the Wayfarers were born.

Move Set


Valen just stands there and grumps at you. You can feel that he isn't pleased. Probably because he's having to play nice. Or out of other moves- No effect happens.


Valen has a nasty left hook and absolutely has no hesitation in delivering a hit right to the gut. If he can manage it, he would absolutely bonk on the head instead.

Copy Cat

With the most judging and grumpy face possible, Valen mimics the others' moves near perfectly. If no move had been made, well. He's still being grumpy and mocking you.

Move 4

Move description


20519723?1678246335 Lumiere is his mother figure. A grandma figure to most, Valen was raised largely by her so views her as a mother first and foremost. He would do anything to protect her, and make up her lost dreams to her. To thank her for protecting, raising, and nurturing him for so long. He loves her deeply.
IMG_URL Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.


  • Poke:
  • Items With Unlimited Uses:
    • ---
  • Items With limited monthly Uses:
    • ---
  • One Time Use Consumables:
    • ---

Design Notes

Color palette

  • An important thing to keep in mind.
  • Another important thing to keep in mind, but longer this time. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
