


1 year, 2 months ago


            - B A S I C  I N F O R M A T I O N -

Name: Mousestep
Name Meaning:
   Mouse - Named for her brown pelt
   Step - Given for her stealth and hunting ability
Past Name(s): Mouse

Starting Date: July, 2 2018
Current Age: 88 Moons
   Starting Age: 18  Moons

Physical Gender: Female
Gender Identity: Female
Theme Song(s):

               - C L A N  I N F O R M A T I O N -
Birth Clan: None
Current Clan: Snakeclan
Rank: Warrior
Past Mentor(s): Ravine and Brook (parents)
Apprentice: TBA
Past Apprentice(s): Bubbleshine, Minnowsplash, Nightfrost

               - S T A T S -


               - P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N -
Body Type: Very short and stocky with curled ears and large paws
Fur Type: Thick, medium length fur and a tufted tail
Fur Color: Dark brown with darker stripes and cream highlights
Eye Color: Gold
Scars: A small scar under her left eye, neck, nose bridge and ass scars from Hailbelly, eye scars from Foxmask
Goals in Love:
X Have a crush
_ Become mates
?????? Yell at the sky cats for kits maybe?

Goals in Life:
X Reunite with her brother Aspen if he’s still alive
_ Kill an Eagle
_ Explore a cool cave
X Mentor an apprentice

                - P E R S O N A L I T Y -
Positive: Loyal, Confident, Caring
Neutral: Sarcastic, Tough
Negative: Stubborn, Compulsive, Secretive

| Loyal | Confident | Caring | Sarcastic | Tough | Stubborn | Compulsive | Secretive |

 Loyal: If anyone can manage to tolerate and befriend Mouse, she is a loyal and trustworthy friend and ally. Despite usually wanting to hunt alone, she doesn’t mind too much of close friends come along, and she is always ready to stick up for them if she needs to.
 Confident: She's very self-assured and believes she can do most things by herself. She often hunts alone so she can hunt without distractions like she’d hunted in the mountains.
 Caring: Despite her more argumentative and sarcastic behavior, she does really care for those that she’s close to. This is especially true if they are younger or remind her of her younger brothers.
 Sarcastic: She sometimes make somewhat teasing remarks, but hardly ever truly means them. After growing up with just her immediate family, her social skills aren’t the best, but she means well.
 Tough: It takes quite a bit to actually hurt her emotionally. She just brushes off most negative words and ignores them. Even if something does bother her, she doesn’t let it show.
 Argumentative: Mousestep isn’t one to back down from an argument, especially if she doesn’t like the cat she’s arguing with. She’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind, and will go for low blows if she can. She’s not afraid to fight dirty, and swears are very common. She’s very stubborn as well and wont back down unless she’s factually proven wrong, a fight breaks out, or the other cat gives up.
 Compulsive: When it comes to defending those that she's loyal or close to, she is willing to risk her own life without second thought about how it would effect others. This also leads her to take uneccesary risks to protect others.
 Secretive: She doesn't like showing how she truly feels, thinking she can solve the issues herself. She sometimes ends up bottling up her emotions and problems that she’s unable to solve right away.

Likes: Cold weather, Leaffall-Leafbare, hunting, fighting, exploring, caves, bats (prey)
Dislikes: hot weather (from having a pretty thick coat) rain, being wet, shrews (prey) showing weakness, cats who think they’re better.
Fears: Deep water and drowning.

               - H I S T O R Y -
Kithood (0 - 5 Moons)

Mouse was born to two rogue parents named Brook and Ravine in the mountains east of where Snakeclan would soon be located. Brook, a fluffy dark brown-grey molly gave birth to two kits, Mouse and Shale at the very begining of leaffall. Shale, the weaker of the two sadly didn't survive more than a few hours after birth. Heartbroken, the two grieved for a short time, but then began to focus all of their attention on their remaining kit. Mouse was a bit protected as a kit. Her mother spent a lot of time doting and watching Mouse very closely. Mouse's father Ravine often was away hunting for his mate and kitten and didn't stay in the den for too long if they hadn't had food.  Despite being absent for half the time, Ravine still loved Mouse very much and would often bring her new feathers or moss after a bored Mouse had shredded them. When she was about two and a half moons old, Brook let Mouse explore outside the den. Mouse was amazed to see how big the world really was. It was much bigger than their small little hole in the ground that her parents had made into a den. She loved exploring around the area close to the den and playing in the snow. She enjoyed the cold weather and tunneling in the snowdrifts under careful watch of her parents. Despite finally allowing their daughter to explore, they still kept a good eye on her.

Apprenticeship (6 - approx. 12 Moons)

When newleaf began and Mouse turned 6 moons old, her mother began to teach her how to climb, while her father began showing her basic herbs and their uses. They also began to teach her to hunt and fight. She learned to hunt quickly and discovered that she was gifted with quiet paws. Over time, she became a well rounded hunter, sometimes even following prey into their burrows or hiding in a burrow while one of her parents drove the prey towards her. While her smaller size allowed her to hide and hunt better, her smaller stature made fighting difficult. She often would get pinned or wouldn't be able to get enough height to her jump. Her parents were patient with her though, and despite her slow progress, they of course continued to help her. With her growing success, her confidence grew as well. One day she figured that she'd try her luck at fishing. She'd never been taught, but figured it wouldn't be that hard. She told her parents that she wanted to go hunting by the creek, and since it was somewhat close to the den, they allowed her to go on her own. Her parents had been trying to let her be more independent, especially since they realized how overbearing they'd been. She made her way over to the stream and sat on some rocks by the shore. Waiting for some fish to get closer, she slashed at the water. She grumbled as her paws had come up empty each time. She tried to continue, but her patience quickly diminished. She huffed before swinging for fish again when her paws slipped. She immediately panicked, thrashing her paws to get back to the surface. She only surfaced momentarily though, a quick shout for help, before her thick fur pulled her back under. Her vision was starting to grow dark when she felt teeth grab her scruff. Luckily for Mouse, her parents had heard her call. They dragged her out of the creek, both worried for her. Mouse was shaken up and shivering, but otherwise okay. After her father looked her over and a day of rest, she was back out training with her parents, but she made sure to keep away from the water's edge. Her training continued throughout the summer with her parents. As the mountains became colder with the approach of leaffall, and prey becoming scarcer, the small family of 3 started spending more time hunting.

Warriorhood (12 Moons - Current)

When leaffall finally came around again, Brook had an important announcement to make. She was having another litter. Mouse was overjoyed that her mother was having kits, but worried about the lack of prey and the weather. She and Ravine began going out more and more to hunt, but were hardly able to bring much prey in. They even resorted to exploring nearby caves for bats and snakes. The risk payed off most of the time. Sometimes they'd end up with a fox or badger on their tails, but they always managed to find a tree or cliff to climb to get away. As the time for the kits grew closer, Mouse and her father would take shifts watching Brook while the other hunted or brought in pine needles and a rare find of fresh moss. This cycle of shifts continued for a few more moons, before Brook gave birth to a litter of three kits, all toms, a few days before leafbare. Mouse was super relieved that they'd all managed to survive the initial birth, especially after she'd been told the unfortunate stories of her own sister. The three young kits were all named after common trees due to their brown pelts. Their names were Aspen, Pine, and Spruce, Pine being the weakest of the three. Mouse and Ravine continued to go out to hunt almost constantly to bring in more prey to provide for the kittens. All of Mouse and Ravine's hunting trips payed off, much to the family's relief, as the kits grew stronger. Around the middle of leafbare, the kits were finally strong enough to leave the den for short periods of time. Mouse loved watching after her younger siblings, playing in the snow with them and showing them around the nearby area. About a moon later, near the very end of leafbare, Mouse was playing hide and seek with her brothers while her parents hunted. After a while of not finding Pine and with snow beginning to fall, she started to panic. Quickly bringing the kits back to the den, she told them to stay put and to wait for Ravine and Brook. On her way back to where they were, she ran into her mother and quickly explained what had happened. Brook rushed back to the den to look after Aspen and Spruce while Mouse continued to search. Eventually Ravine joined in the search to look for Pine. As the moon began to rise, they began to lose hope. The two continued their search throughout the night. Ravine was the one to find Pine. The young kit had tried to cross the stones over a stream and had fallen in. Mouse was devastated that Pine had died under her watch, along with a small hint of deja vu with what had happened when she was younger. Not wanting Aspen and Spruce to see their brother's body, she and her father buried him under the closest tree to the stream. They both returned to the den, exhausted and downcast. When they arrived at the den, they quietly brought Brook outside the den, not wanting the other kits to know yet, and broke the news. Mouse took the loss the hardest, believing that Pine's death had been her fault completely. She couldn't just spend the day in her nest though. Aspen and Spruce still needed prey, and even with leafbare coming to an end, prey was still somewhat hard to find. A day after Pine's death, Mouse woke up early to find that Aspen had vanished. She leapt up, waking her parents quickly. She woke Spruce as well, asking if he had any idea where Aspen could have gone. Spruce said that Aspen had mentioned looking for Pine since he hadn't come home yet. Mouse's eyes widened in shock before she raced out of the den. She yelled a hasty goodbye to her parents before looking for Aspen. She at first started to follow his faint scent, but as the day went on, she began to lose the trail and was mostly following his small pawprints. When night came, she realized that she'd never come this far from the den before. Finding a tree to sleep under, she settled down for the night. When she awoke at dawn the next day, she couldn't remember the way back home. Sighing, she went back to tracking down her brother. She continued to search, even as the snow began to melt and the tracks vanished. She continued to search for weeks, not wanting to give up on her brother, but also not able to go home. After nearly a whole season of searching, she ended up making her way into a large valley. There was a strong scent of cats, and her hopes rose for a second as she heard a rustling in some bushes nearby. She wasn't prepared however as two cats jumped out and proceeded to pin her down. She growled and attempted to push the cats off, but realized it was hopeless as three more emerged. Right after, she was escorted to a small camp up on a cliffside clearing. Mouse was then questioned about where she came from and who she was with. She was asked several times about a cat named Watcher and if she'd known her. After she proceeded to explain that she didn't know who the heck Watcher was, the cats seemed to calm down. A large pale tabby named Flintstar approached her and mentioned that she was the leader of Snakeclan. Having nowhere else to go, and realizing she probably wouldn't find her brother, she asked to join Snakeclan. She watched as Flintstar called over a brown tom and another black cat, and proceeded to talk to them in a quiet tone. Soon after, Flintstar agreed to let her into the clan, and after a few tests to examine her skills, she was given the name Mousestep.

After a few moons, she began to fit into clan life. She still kept to herself, often hunting and exploring the territory on her own. One fateful day though, she was put in patrol with a few other warriors, when she ran into a familiar face. Tears welled up in her eyes as she recognized someone she thought she’d lost forever. Wounded and tired, she supported Aspen, and helped carry him back to camp. While distraught over her brother’s lost voice, she’s overjoyed and relieved that Aspen, now Jaggedpaw, is back with her.

Valley Flood:

While the valley flooded, Mousestep was thankful that Snakeclan was on higher ground. Despite her strong dislike and fear for water though, she joined a few patrols to look for the missing cats that had been swept away. She was on such a patrol with Rabbitbite, Thrushheart, Jaggedpaw's mentor, and her brother Jaggedpaw. After running into a fox, and jumping in front of her sibling to protect them, Rabbitbite scared it off. A short time after, the patrol sighted bubbles in the water. After Rabbitbite leapt in to try to save a possibly drowning clanmate, the red tom was swept away. After trying to look for a long branch to pull Rabbitbite out, she watched in horror as Thrushheart and Jaggedpaw went after him. As her brother was able to grab onto Rabbitbite and keep him afloat, she still couldn't help the panic she felt. Despite her fear, she was more worried about her brother's safety. She rushed in after them only to be swept off her paws almost immediately. After almost drowning for the second time in her life, and getting a few scrapes in the river, she was able to pull herself to shore with the help of Jaggedpaw. A quick rest later, and a storm started brewing. They made their way to the Snake Lands, looking for a cave to shelter in. After a low rumbling sound echoed through the large cave they'd rested in, they decided it would be best to investigate. Mousetep looked on, shaking at the sight in front of them. A large badger had also chosen this cave to rest in. After a failed attempt to sneak away, she pushed her brother forward and bolted from the cave. Thrushheart grabbed Jaggedpaw and Rabbitbite brought up the rear. As they made it out, she only then realized that Rabbit had been wounded, long scratches on his backside. After they returned home, she rested for a bit before going on another with Duskwhisker, Creekshade, and Minkpaw. After that, she had a winning spar with Jaggedpaw and went on another patrol to find the missing cats with Duskwhisker and Mosswhisker. As the water finally receded back to normal, Mousestep breathed a sigh of relief. She'd gotten soaked enough for one lifetime.

She was quite happy when the weather finally got colder. The snow and the crisp air reminded her a lot of her previous home. She played and sparred in the snow, and helped find herbs and hunt.


With RavenClan declaring war on Lynxclan, she figured that Snakeclan wouldn’t be a part of it. However, when Rookstar appeared in their camp and demanded and alliance, Mousestep was quite enraged. During this time, her beloved brother Jaggedpaw became Jaggedgaze. She grew prouder and prouder of him with every day, and when she was finally able to fight alongside him, they both excelled and won the battle.


After the sight of the blood moon, Mousestep joined several of the patrols into the unknown. One such patrol led the group to a large tree with strange, smelly objects hanging from it. There she met two cats, one a small black tabby, and the other a gorgeous calico. They offered their wares, dubbed Dream Nip, to the cats, and after watching her clanmate Shellstream act strangely after eating the plant, Mousestep grabbed a leaf to carry it in. A spotted rogue named Zero showed up a little later and Mousestep did not like them at all. They narrowly avoided a fight, but Mousestep still majorly disliked the new cat. The way they spoke to Lonely Heart, the calico, made her believe they had been together at one point, but it still made Mousestep angry. After leaving the tree and returning home, she rested a bit before going out again. This time the group traveled high into the mountains. It was comforting and familiar to the brown warrior. They went up about halfway before discovering a bramble thicket covering the entrance to a cave. The patrol broke through to find a chilling sight. In the center of the moonlit clearing was a blood red pool. Though she deduced that it wasn’t actually blood, she stayed the hell away from it. After two rogues appeared, their medicine cat Ashflower drank from the pool in an attempt to scare them off. Mousestep could only watch with wide eyes as it seemed to have some sort of effect the gray tom. A fight still broke out, and Mousestep narrowly managed to avoid getting shoved into the crimson water. The fight lasted a few more moments before the spotted rogue named Ace was rammed into the pool. The fight ended quickly after that as the cats held their breath, waiting for the spotted rogue to resurface. When he finally did, he was clearly shaken and unable to continue fighting. The patrol eventually convinced both cats to come with them to be healed, though only one of them defected. The gray colorpoint tom also revealed that he’d seen something that brought small tears to Mousestep’s eyes. The rogue mentioned that he’d seen a dark brown cat with ears just like Mouse’s. Her brother Spruce was still alive. After all these moons, she hadn’t been able to watch him grow up, but he had made it. She promised herself that she’d keep an eye out for him the next time she went exploring. The final patrol was able to recruit Sleet’s healer and their companion after she braved the river and managed to swim on her own. Though the final fight and Watcher’s reveal was brutal, she didn’t take any damage and even landed a hit on the large cat. She returned home quite proud of herself.


When a plague came to the valley, Mousestep wasn't the first effected. She helped her clanmates gather herbs in the cold. Her thick fur made it easy to stay out longer. She eventually became sick, but that didn't stop her from going out. She'd survived worse. A little sniffle wasn't going to take her down. She had a particularly eventful trip with her brother. Though she recieved a few thorns tangled in her fur, they both returned with catmint for their clan. Overall she enjoyed the colder weather once she'd gotten over her sickness.

A week or so later, she was given an apprentice. Bubblepaw was an interesting little one. Mousestep promised then and there that she'd be the best mentor and best big sister she could be to the young cat. There was also some development in the nursery. Shellstream, a friend of hers, was pregnant. Mousestep was exstatic to see the kits. She hoped Shellstream wouldn't mind her doting on them a little.

Mousestep fought alongside the rogues (duh!) and did her best to protect Healer from the attacking cats. At the reveal of so many Snakeclan mutineers, she grew distrusting of some of her clanmates. Snakeclan's reputation with the friendly rogues was ruined. She wanted to see her friends, but they no longer wanted to see her. She was given an apprentice to train, and that somewhat helped her mood. Not long after the attack, Jaggedgaze brought her to a cave they had found and they were going to explore it a little. She was enjoying the trip, but with all the rain, the cave began to collapse. Mousestep made it out, but Jaggedgaze was crushed under the falling rocks. Mousestep lived in a daze after her brother's death. The brother she had left her family to find, was now dead. She felt that his death had been her fault. Two of her younger siblings were now dead, and she felt it was all her fault. She often visited the cave in, bringing flowers and often just sitting in front of his grave. She had lost the one cat she knew she could always trust. On a particularly rainy day, her habitual trek towards the grave was interrupted by her apprentice Bubblepaw. The apprentice nearly fell from the slippery path, and after Mousestep had managed to save the apprentice, they had a long talk until the rain ended. Mousestep stayed by the grave one more time that day, finding a peculiar stone. She took it with her as a memento and began doing the best she could to train her apprentice again.


Mousestep took part in several patrols, trying to help Snakeclan's reputation with the rogues improve. If anything, she wanted to show that there were still a few cats that could be trusted and could be friends. After a disastrous patrol at Eagle Rock she was almost carried off by an eagle. When they found Healer, she did her best to help them on the quests they gave. She tried her best to talk to Lonely Heart and Sgt Pepper and try to be friendly. She joined another patrol and managed to buy Healer some time to escape after they had been threatened, but she also ran her mouth and made things worse. In the end, Bubbleshine, her former apprentice, was almost killed if a rogue named Purrkins hadn't managed to convince the leader of the band of rogues that Purrkins had gone a different way.  She offered to catch him dinner that night as a thanks. (Her rogue bias really showed in this event omfg). She explored a cave with a few friends and her life flashed before her eyes as it started to cave in after the coyote inside damaged the walls. She would've fought the coyote if she hadn't had her KOed clanmate Stormsong on her back. After that, she took a break from patrols and helped around camp. She couldn't help her worry about Healer though. Especially after an encounter with a ghost named Spoopy. She hoped the rogue healer was doing okay. If Watcher even laid a paw on them, she would get revenge, she swore. She didn't have a huge problem with the insect swarm. Being born in the mountains had made her a good mountain climber. The main path to camp was blocked so she'd just had to be creative to find a way down.

Mousestep doesn't remember the whole final battle with the Nightmare. All she remembered was getting into the realm, and then waking up under Flintstar's limp body with a cut down her shoulder and back that was covered in herbs. While that was extremely awkward to wake up to on its own, she was only more confused for a second after she looked to the side to see a fucking bear and a giant spider double-teaming a giant skeletal cat thing. As soon as Flintstar woke up, the warrior was on her paws, moving even quicker as the Nightmare struck the leader again. She was relieved to see that Healer was still alive and doing fine, so she did her best to defend them from the Dark Forest cats. As the portal opened, she realized that she recognized the area. It was the same red pool that she had discovered on a patrol seasons ago. She helped the injured cats down the mountain best she could. She was a mountain cat after all. Once her wound had healed, she spent her time enjoying the cold. When Healer mentioned that they'd be leaving the valley, she found the rogue and before they could leave, she gave them a big hug. She promised them that she'd always be an ally of theirs and that if they needed her, she'd be willing to help them or the other allied rogues. She misses Healer, but understands their want to keep moving. She hopes they stay safe.

When Honeythroat was brought home injured and missing a leg, Mousestep wanted to kill the bear that did it. The short molly helped with the plan while she could while also being a messenger for Honeythroat and Otterspark. The latter of the two she had helped rescue from the rapids in leafbare. She sent messages back and forth for them to keep them both up to date until they could meet again. She wanted to help the romance the best she could. In the meantime, Mousestep herself found herself falling for a molly. When the plan was finally ready to be executed, she was called in for backup. The bear didn't succumb to the deathberries so Snakeclan resorted to plan B, luring the bear away with prey. Mousestep acted as a runner, grabbing a bird and running down the path. The bear followed the trail and hasn't returned since.

               - R E L A T I O N S H I P S -
Orientation: Demisexual, homoromantic
Availability: Open!
Ideal Relationship and Traits: A she-cat who is willing to put up with her sarcasm and isn’t afraid to let her know if she goes too far. Caring but knows how to deal with bullshit.
Crush: None
Mate: None
Ex-Mate(s): None
Offspring: None
(Feel free to add more family members if you'd like to include more detail.)


Otterspark | @/peachbombz   | Warrior | - She thinks of the molly like a younger sister somewhat. She hopes that she and Honeythroat will be happy together.

Exampleclaw | @  | Rank | - Relationship Description


Jaggedgaze (Aspen) | ELDRITCH95 |  Deceased | - Mouse's little brother. She left her original home in the mountains to try to find him and bring him back. He died in a cave collapse right in front of Mousestep after they'd gone out for some fresh air. She misses him so much.

Creekshade | @nyarthking | Warrior | She doesn't feel strongly about the warrior, but doesn't mind him

Rabbitbite | @/Ilvermornymage | Warrior | She doesn't hate him, but finds his lack of thinking before acting annoying. While it would have been safer to run from the fox or not almost drown over a frog, the tom seemed to want to risk his life.

Thrushheart | @Stabats | Warrior | She doesn't mind the warrior, and likes his adventurous spirit. He seems to use his brain at least, and she's thankful her brother is in good paws.

Duskwhisker | @/Ruinthebigbluewolf | Warrior | She doesn't mind him, but doesn't know him too well.

Minkshadow | @Omacfee1 | Apprentice | She doesn't mind him, but doesn't know him well.

Mosswhisker | @VoidedGalaxies | Warrior | She doesn't know her well, but doesn't mind her.

Honeythroat | @/necroiights | Warrior | Mousestep thinks of the younger molly as a sister. She helped keep her romance with Otterspark a secret.

Brook | NPC  |  none | - Mouse's mother. She misses her dearly and is thankful for her teaching
Ravine | NPC  |  none | - Mouse's Father. She misses him dearly and is thankful for his teaching
Spruce | NPC  |  none | - One of Mouse's other brothers. She misses him a lot.
Pine | NPC |  Deceased | - Mouse's dead little brother. She feel very badly about him dying under her watch, and misses him a lot
Healer | Group NPC | - A rogue that Mouse met and called a friend. She is still very friendly towards them and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them and help them. She misses them and hopes they stay safe in their travels
Sgt. Pepper | Group NPC | A friend of hers that lives at the Sneakies Tree with Lonely Heart. She enjoys speaking to him and is always willing to buy a stalk of dream nip if she has the pebbles handy. (The scent helps her sleep)
Lonely Heart | Group NPC | A friend of hers that lives at the Sneakies Tree with Sgt. Pepper. She has a very obvious crush on the molly, but doesn't know how to say it. Hehehe heart go brrrr.
Purrkins | @ItsBedtimeNow | Interesting dude honestly. He saved her ass when a patrol turned into a fight that almost resulted in her former apprentice dying. She feels like she owes him a favor.

               - R O L E P L A Y -

Example: The small black and white apprentice crept through the undergrowth, trying not to make a sound. Her dappled ears listening intently for the sounds of prey. A few moments later, she heard a faint scuffle of prey a few tail-lengths away. Her eyes narrowed as they rested on the small brown body of a mouse. Swiftpaw cautiously stalked forward, trying to make sure that her paws wouldn't brush against anything on the forest floor. She crouched silently, waiting a moment, before pouncing. The mouse barely had time to turn around before the apprentice's claws sunk into its body. She quickly gave it a killing bite before purring softly. Her assessment was going well so far.

Preferred Methods: Discord and dA notes would be great!