Azuki (Naruto)



1 year, 3 months ago


Reference used for design




The High Priestess of Amegakure

( about )

Residing in Amegakure as the 2nd member of the Tarot clan, Azuki represents Tarot card II - The High Priestess.






  • Nighttime. The night is calm and the moon watches over everyone; sometimes it's like looking into a mirror.
  • Rain. She finds the sound soothing, and it reminds her of home. Even the cold chill of rain soaking through her clothes doesn't bother her.
  • Hot Food. What could be better than resting on a rainy night with a hot bowl of soup? The warmth you feel as you eat or drink hot food is the epitome of comfort, Azuki says.


  • Being Wrong. Azuki isn't very stubborn about being right when she isn't, but the embarrassment haunts her.
  • Fighting Alone. Being part of a clan can subject many shinobi to a life of fighting; an unideal situation for someone lacking in offensive skills. Fortunately, she has her clan members to rely on in her deficits.
  • Hot Sunny Days. The complete opposite of what Azuki considers enjoyable weather.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart.

( trivia )

  • Skillset. Being on the lower end in numbering, Azuki does not possess any strong jutsus or skills. She has the ability to electrify objects, often using a cresecent moon shape-memory alloy rod as her primary vessel and weapon. The electricity itself cannot do much aside from stunning someone or forcibly contracting their muscles, but it does not require a lot of chakra to use, making it useful againts mobs of people (glorified taser). Azuki is reliant on her instincts; which can be scarily accurate at times. It is wondered whether this instinctual insight is actually just natural intuition rather than divine knowledge.
  • Personality. Refelcting the meaning of her tarot card, Azuki is generally passive/patient unless provoked. She also finds herself taking care of the other clan members when their own ambition gets in the way of their wellbeing, and maintaining the 'law' of the clan - she could be described as the 'mom friend' of the group.
Full name Azuki
Nickname Content
Age 26ish?
Home Region Amegakure
Clan Tarot Clan
Orientation pan maybe idk
Natures Lightning/Water

( important )

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( history )

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ii. present

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iii. future

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

( relations )


Antagonistic Clanmate

Azuki doesn't strongly dislike Eve, but Eve's simultaneously apathetic and stubborn attitude can be frustrating when you are the only person trying to speak reason into her.

Being the unofficial medic, Azuki often has to mend Eve's seemingly neverending wounds. Its not an issue, but Azuki has to wonder where Eve is getting these...



While not blood related, Azuki has grown fond of Tsuka, despite her homocidal tendencies. Even though she is the weaker of the two, Azuki tries to look out for Tsuka, who is currently the youngest member of the clan.

That being said, Tsuka and Azuki still have regular quarrels, due to difference in personality and ideaologies.