


1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Three-quarters Gem, one-quarter human

Gem Type:

Hybrid Fusion

Hair Color:

Pale green


Fingerless gloves on her hand-feet and a green romper with a dark green belt.

Gem Location:

Nose and chest


War hammer

Fun Fact:

Serpentine has no feet.

Favourite Quote:

"Guys and gems, are we playing?"


Appearance: Serpentine is taller than Jasper, with a stocky build. She has hands for feet and two pairs of arms. Serpentine has big, messy pale hair that's mostly above her shoulders, with two longer braids. She has heterochromia, with one eye being yellow-green and the other being dark green. Her green skin is dotted with black freckles and splotches that imitate Jasper's markings. Jasper's corruption scars carry over to her.

Personality: Serpentine is a competitive, loud, brash and hotheaded show-off. She’s not always the most diplomatic or delicate gem, despite their desire to help others. She has an introspective side, though, and can be surprisingly intuitive despite their blunt manner. They take pride in their strength and abilities, and enjoy testing themselves against opponents, be it in a battle or a game of beach volleyball.

Abilities: Serpentine’s hand-feet allow her to climb with ease. They can also manipulate and shape their body into various forms, such as elongating their limbs or forming spikes from their skin. She has self-healing properties, making it difficult to poof them or unfuse them by force. Serpentine is a skilled fighter, and her weapon of choice is a war hammer, formed by combining Vinnie's mace and Jasper's crash helmet.

Background: Serpentine is a fusion between Vinnie and Jasper, first formed accidentally during a heated game of beach volleyball. Despite their initial reservations about the fusion, they found they worked well together and enjoyed the experience of being Serpentine. They continue to fuse on occasion, usually to take on particularly challenging opponents or to show off their abilities to friends.