
6 years, 25 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Trin; last name unknown


Young Adult, age unknown


Racoon/Bat hybrid; but something's kinda wrong


Genderfluid (Any Pronouns)


Greyromantic Toric Asexual


-That me -_-
-Basically the "new me" I was forced to become as an adult to survive
-Reclusiveness, bad habits, and an over-reliance on oneself
-"Fuck it we ball" and "Skate or Die dude"-type mentality

Trin's the most normal anomaly ever, not even they know! However they have amnesia regarding anything before the past couple-or-so years of their life, having no memory of who or what they were. As far as they've understood and can handle for now, they're normal person with something wrong with them.

They may seem like an aloof downer at first glance, and while there might be a little truth to that, they actually have a heart of gold and can be very passionate about things they care about. They're aggressively self-reliant to a fault and live alone (minus a certain lab-created fugitive they took in), and only have a couple of friends, but said friends help make their life better and show them that it's okay to lean on others when one needs it. While they're not great at expressing themselves, they try to do their best to let their friends know how much they're valued, usually in a very direct way such as just saying it upfront.

Sometimes, they struggle with the occasional bad habit when depressed as they don't want to inconvenience anyone with their problems. They can also make it hard for this to be visible as they're accustomed to bottling everything up and pushing through alone, but won't resist help when offered. The hardest part for them is reaching out when they're feeling down or needing someone to be there for them.