
" I'll do my best, Marsh! "
Name Flea'Paw

Former Names Flea'Kit

Gender Female She/Her

Orientation Straight

Mentor Marsh'Seed

Rank Apprentice

Residence Dawn'Clan


A Red, Orange, Brown and White Female with long, fluffy fur. She has Blue eyes and three oval marks on her head, as long as one white paw and one Brown, Orange, and White paw.

She has a small limp, but it's only temporary.

Design notes
  • Three oval spots on her head. Symmetrical.
  • Spots are clusters of circles.
  • Self Explanitory.
  • Also Self Explanitory. (gah..nothing here..)
  • content
  • content

Flea Is a very thoughtful and intelligent cat. She is always making sure that her clan is fed and healthy and if something happened she makes sure to hunt for them personally or get them to the med cat or fluff their Moss bed, anything they need she's more than willing to go out of her way to do it. She is also surprisingly super intelligent compared to some of the other members, she's learning super fast and she's catching on extremely quickly. She is just a super friendly and polite cat that the clan loves to be around because she brings lots of smiles and laughs.

During training and Patrol her attitude shifts a bit, she's more focused and concentrated and she can lash out sometimes if she startled or if her hunt or Patrol is interrupted. It's obvious she does not take lightly to Rogues and Outsiders, she doesn't support Kitty pets joining or other clans joining. She's been observed to treat her own Clan nicely but have sort of a snarky and disrespectful attitude to other glands, which is understandable when the Clans are in Conflict but it's not the best for partnership when they aren't fighting.

  • Fresh Kill
  • Border Patrol
  • Cold Lake Water
  • Other Clans
  • Kittypets
  • Failure


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

As a kitten she was very playful and very energetic, her mother had a hard time watching her unlike her siblings. Unfortunately, she was the only Survivor of her litter. Her mother became very clingy towards her and she had to stop being so adventurous. She's very talkative and very very friendly, she'll listen to the elders talk for hours or the leader talk about his duties. She loves talking with the med cats about herbs or the deputy about things that are happening outside the clan. She has always been super interested in everything going on in the clan.

She is currently an apprentice. She's still very talkative and very interested in everything going on in the clan. She took a admiration the med cat, herbs really drew her in. She loves the idea of being able to help her clan heal and grow. She's super excited to be the next best med, even if it's going to be hard. She Wants to be just like her mentor and just like her mentors mentor. She loves learning about the history between Marsh and Stale, it's almost like a fairy tale to her. She constantly tells Marsh that she wants to be close to her like she is with Stale, and as flattering as it is to Marsh, she's a little anxious. The two are good friends and they have a good Mentor and Apprentice relationship. She is super excited to be able to grow up and help her clan all by herself without needing Marsh to babysit her. She's struggling a bit with figuring out which herbs are used for what, but she's learning a lot quicker than Marsh did.

The future for her is currently unknown..


  • Flea'Paw
  • Flea — Jumpy; Fast; Annoying
  • Paw — Apprentice; Kitten 6 or more Moons
  • She was named Flea for being a very jumpy and very bothersome kitten, though her mother loves her very much.
  • Paw is simply because she is an apprentice.


" I appreciate you taking me in as a medicine Apprentice, I've been fascinated with healing and herbs since I was a kitten, I remember your story is and I still love being reminded of them. Being able to work with you is the best experience I have ever had! "

Best Friend

" Echo! He is my best friend and he's been there for me since kittenhood! We do almost everything together and I'm super excited to see him become a warrior, and maybe even Deputy one day! He makes me feel like I belong in the clan and that it's okay to take after someone else's steps, even if I don't become a warrior like my mom! I am forever grateful to have a friend like him. "


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