

nickname: Sothe

He is a very curious little silk habberdasher . 

He owns his own shop where he sells misc items that he has crafted 

Mainly he sells supplies to witches

more info to come 

Copied from species info: ★ Habberdashers, or Lepidofelius are small, insect like creatures that can produce various types of silk from glands located in their tail. They are mainly herbivorous in food habit, although some are insectivorous and will gladly munch on whatever creepy crawlies they find. Their average height is around three and a half feet and they usually have four fingers on each of their four hands. Rarely they have been known to have five, six or even seven fingers, these Habberdashers have a tendency to raised onto a pedestal by their fellows and are often treated like small gods. They also, in equally rare instances, can be covered in small spines that are toxic to the touch. Urban and Suburban areas are their favorite places to live, they form very tight knit communities and make income by preforming tasks related to sewing, such as tailoring, knitting and needle felting. There have even been cases of those who produce fishing line, or string instruments. They have a keen eye for fashion and almost never interested in anything further than themselves and their own little world ★ Habberdashers are a closed species.