Shirakumo Oboro / Kurogiri



1 year, 3 months ago


NOTE: The older drawings regarding Shirakumo's post corruption design are super out dated, thank you for reading :]


•Shirakumo is much bigger than most adolesents in the AU's main setting, thats mainly due to where he comes from. Shirakumo was born in a completly difarent continant, where its cold 24/7 and is night almost all year 'round, dragons and drakes that come from there are very comonly seen to be rather larg in size (Shirakumo is actualy rather thin compared to them), their fat and size helps them stay warm throught the year long winters. His mother was born in the AU's main setting and his father is from the arctic like continent, FatGum and Shinso's lines come from there too

•Shirakumo got that scar on his snout from an icicle that fell on him

•He is able to make small surges of electricity by creating friction with his hands, if you know you know

•He is fuck'n 100% straight and you cant change my mind, come at me if you want but here is 0 fruit in this guy

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•Post corruption, Shirakumo is ever so slightly taller and longer than before

•His color palette has changed to, his colors are alot more desaturated and his eyes are darker, this is due to him tecnicaly being a Shadow drake now, his colors should have shifted to nearly black because of the corruption, but his ability to change into mist alowed him to keep most of his color

•While in his mist form, his hair moves on its own as if it where against the wind, think of King Sombra from MLP

•The main reason he adorns a neck brace on trials is to keep his neck covered with something other than a ribbon, a more formal option even if he dislikes it

•Shirakumo falls into his mist form automaticly whenever he disociats or when he is under Shinso's Brainwash

•The scar on his head is ever changing as always, but this is basicly the overall shape it is