leo. (☾ ・worth)


Basic Info

TOTAL WORTH: $620.60

17 total art pieces


5 non-gifts


if there is no link to a person, then the artist has a toyhouse with that username.

may 12, 2023, gift: art by orcabit.

may 12, 2023, gift: art by orcabit.

may 27, 2023, 45 usd: obtained by custom (shychocolatee).

june 23, 2023, gift (5 usd): art by cosmawz.

june 28, 2023, 70 usd: art by pinemushie.

july 16, 2023, gift: art by orcabit.

july 24, 2023, gift (89 usd): art by shychocolatee.

august 5, 2023, gift (7 usd): art by toxicbandaid.

august 15, 2023, 30 euro: art by kitrely.

august 26, 2023, gift: art by ocrabit.

september 25, 2023, gift (70 usd): art by pinemushie.

october 10, 2023, gift (10 usd): art by shychocolate.

october 15, 2023, 35 usd: art by feathersxfur.

december 1, 2023, gift (40 usd): art by mocakola.

december 28, 2023, 160 usd: art by shychocolatee.

january 26th, 2023, gift (30 usd): art by batpunks.