Amel Kirkland-Jones



Amel Jake Kirkland-Jones

Age: 16

Birthday: March 30th

Gender: trans male

Sexuality: gay

Represents: London, England

Likes: quiet things, water, being alone, English food, writing

Dislikes: loud noises, fire, crowds, American food, nonsensical things


Appearance: He has cropped short blonde hair that is more on the lighter side of blonde than darker. He does have a hair curl like his father, America. His eyes are forest green, and he has pale skin with freckles dusted across his cheeks and nose. He does not wear glasses. He’s decently tall for his age, standing at 5’8”. Lean and well-built, not very curvy. Recently went on testosterone, so his voice is adjusting and cracking a lot.

Personality: He is a rule follower, not a rule breaker, but has a thing for playing the role of the hero sometimes. He is intelligent, but prefers to hide behind a mask of bravado and cynicism. He loves his family with all of his heart, and would never abandon them. While he has strong feelings for Nikolas, he prefers to hide them. He has a collection of stress balls and stim toys and usually has one on him at all times.

Parents: America, England

Siblings: Teddy, Daniel, Berenice, Milo, Derrik, Damien, Iris