Content Warning

Mature Content Warning

This page has been marked as containing mature content. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18 years old or over.

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


I don't have a DNI, but if you're cruel to others, exploit others for your gain, or weird to animals or children, I will not hesitate to rake you over the coals if you get near me or my people.

please be aware that I am 21+ and create content meant for my demographic, and generally would rather have all interaction be 16+. I'm the transsexual faggot they warn you about. enter at your own discretion. I curate my presence here liberally, both for your sake and my own.

you can ask to be authorized to see my 18+ characters, but they will never have explicit content and you must have an age listed on your account.

Please Do Not

  • draw nsfw of my characters without my consent, even if they're made with mature themes in mind.
  • copy or otherwise plagarize my characters
  • kin my characters (my original series characters are fair game though!)
  • infantilize or demonize my trans or cluster-a/b characters
  • ask to be pinged for any of my characters

Content Warnings

  • death and death positive language
  • themes of abuse
  • body horror
  • heavy violence
  • drug use and abuse
  • religious imagery (fictional)

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

details on this page may be considered spoilers for Destiny's extended story, including but not limited to Witch Queen, Lightfall, the seasons of Plunder, Defiance, and Wish, the Deep Stone Crypt and Vow of the Disciple raids, and Vexcalibur questline.
this character has a history as a courtesan, both coerced and by choice. while graphic depictions of this aren't present, references to this are present, as it was his main source of security for most of his resurrected life.
this character is body snatched, but is kept by the group that took him in rebirth and coerced into allowing this to happen.
this character has been repeatedly drugged into compliance and continues to use the drug into his recovery, though to a much less detrimental degree.
autonomy violation in-line with unaware and nonconsensual robotic modification, as well as transhumanism and self-made modification, is an overarching theme of this character.

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