Sophie Ryan



1 year, 2 months ago


Gender: Female

Age: 18

Birthday: July 21st

Pronouns: She/Her

Height: 5’ 3”

Merform Height: 6’ 6”

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Tail Color: Gold

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Job: High School Senior

Loves: Warm Waters, Volleyball Sardines

Hates: Small Pools, Toxic Smells, Sour Cherry Drinks

Sophie is a human born in Australia and has lived there all her life. Her mother is a Mako Mermaid and her father is a human fisherman. Growing up with a strange family group was very different for her compared to the average human or even mermaid, especially when she learned how to count from the amount of times her mother accidentally changed into a mermaid.

As she grew older tho, she felt more frustrated, in some cases more resilient. For a while, she just wish she could become a mermaid like her mother and her mother’s side of the family. For most of her teenage years, it made her come off as spiteful while making her focus on her studies to escape talking with her family, until she ended up breaking down in a one-on-one meeting with her mother.

She finally got her wish to be a mermaid like her mother around her 16th birthday as she ended up getting a latent mermaid form and powers to control water, much to her sheer joy. In celebration, her mother put on an extravagant and private party for her that the family could attend. Since then she’s been learning how to use her new magic, explore the ocean, and figure out new ways to not get hit by water.