


1 year, 3 months ago


Night/Skywing hybrid

Eclipse was hatched under a solar eclipse, a very rare happening. This causes her to have strange, otherworldly visions, rather than ones of her own world. In these visions, she sees creatures and monsters and beasts and dragons not of her world. In many of these visions, she sees a massive world ending space dragon, one that happens to look a lot like she does. She takes this as this dragon being a powerful deity that needs to be worshiped. Because what else could destroy worlds in his claws like they are nothing? She calls his diety and the event that he causes "The Divine Solstice", though she isn't too sure why she started calling him that. From all of this, she goes around her world, telling everyone who will listen about her strange visions and about The Divine Solstice, wishing to spread her belief. She gets a small following of those who believe what she speaks, but most call them crazy and the Cult of the Sun God. She doesn't appreciate the name they have been given, it's not a cult! But, she does like hearing that her message and visions are being heard, even if not everyone believes in it.