Hina's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

buffbears Global Rules

Buffbears Designs Terms of Service

- Once you have paid you have full ownership of the character
- Payment is taken through Stripe or PayPal
- You may change aspects of the design as you please (species, gender, markings, color, etc!)
- You may not claim the original design as your own work, please make sure to credit me where you can!
- Please do not sell the design for more than you had bought them for, unless there is extra art whether it is drawn by you or commissioned. Nor do I allow for a design to be sold for more based on personal value.
- While I allow for my designs to be sold for more with extra art; I ask that you please be reasonable about it.
- You may voucher off the designs for more than you've paid for them. 
- Designs traded for may only be traded.
- All sales are final, I do not do refunds!
- I am willing to do holds and payment plans, just dm me to discuss!
-  Once a design has left me I can not settle any future trading disputes. Once the design is out of my hands so is any trade / sell responsibility regarding it.

Break any of these rules and I will send a friendly reminder. If it is a repeat offense I may send out another reminder and depending on the severity and response I may add you to a private blacklist.