


1 year, 6 months ago


Name; Toaster Lewis
15 yrs old

Living in Texas with his adopted dad and his 'uncle'-friend.

Cameron James Miller (Toaster) was raised in a suburban neighborhood in Utah with his mother and father for most of his life. He was a very curious and playful kid with a load of energy and got along quite well with his dad n' was pretty cool with his mom, even if she could be a bit strict-- his life was pretty great for a while, with a stable early childhood and a good relationship with both his mom and dad.

Things changed however when he was 10, as his uncle (on the dad's side) moved in with them, refusing to help pay enough for rent and was sucking the money out of the household. Since there was a whole other member of the house, both Cameron's mom and dad had to take jobs, which sometimes required them to not come back home until late. His mother had talked to his father about the uncle, but he had insisted that it was alright and that he was helping him out. Unbeknownst to his dad, the uncle had a tendency to behave when Cameron's parents were around, acting like a menace when they weren't (which started to happen more frequently as time went on). Telling him to 'keep quiet' and to 'grab him a drink', his uncle was nothing short of an asshole. And Cameron knew that he couldn't really say anything, as his uncle had more power than him and would be believed instead.

As time passed, money was becoming harder and harder to come by. Things such as games, bikes, and even his dad's prized guitar had to be sold to make up for the lack of money. Having to work harder and for longer hours, Cameron's parents became more reclusive and drained. His dad didn't have as much time to hang out with him as he used to when he was either out at work or resting at home, even if he wanted to spend time with his son. His mother had a sharp tongue as well, especially when she was stressed out, so Cameron tended to try and bother his friends instead.

Finally when Cameron turned 14, the funds problem was becoming too harsh, so his mom and dad decided that they were going to move out to another place to save up on money and to get a better education, leaving Cameron with his uncle, who would be watching over him for the two of them. If Cameron thought that his uncle was bad before, this was an absolute new low. After a few weeks, he devised a plan to run away from home and take care of himself until his parents came back, which had to be in about a month or so. He was confident he could take care of himself till then! And so he left home a week later, packing what he deemed was a good amount of snacks, deodorant, a few clean pairs of clothes, and his toothbrush.

Start of the Current Story
Cameron wandered for a few weeks by public transit until he had accidentally made his way all the way to Eastern Texas, where he was stopped by a local sheriff, Pico. He asked the young man's name, and out of urgency (and the posters that must've been up for him) Cameron looked around the street and quickly told him it was Toaster. Since his parents seemed to be nowhere in sight, the sheriff decided that he'd take him along; so Toaster met Boyfriend (another cop), and Pissco, who wasn't exactly friends with either of the two, and was actually enemies with Boyfriend. Still not having a place to stay, Boyfriend let Toaster stay with them, and took him in as his own son.

Boyfriend and Pico were starting to fall out by the time Toaster came around, causing Boyfriend to move out of the house soon after Toaster moved in. One of the last straws over it was an argument that broke out over Pissco sneaking his way into their home, and ending with Boyfriend storming out of the house. Before Boyfriend had moved out though, Toaster had befriended Pissco and had gotten along with him in the background while Pico and Boyfriend were doing their own things. Pissco had even started to share his cigarettes with Toaster, causing him to gain an addiction to it.

Soon enough Boyfriend went missing, so Toaster ventured out to find him for a few weeks until he stumbled across a 10 ft polymorph named Creepz , which all lead into Toaster trading himself for Boyfriend under the condition that Creepz would leave Boyfriend alone. Creepz takes it and ends up locking Toaster in his basement filled with corpses and no lights, and Boyfriend fled back to the house to ask for help and to get him back.

Boyfriend and Pissco successfully save Toaster a few days later, but unfortunately not without lasting trauma (n' PTSD) and the threat he had of almost starving/dying of dehydration. Boyfriend still doesn't come back home to live with them, but does visit occasionally for Toaster. This pattern ends after a fiasco including Pissco offering Toaster weed, which he took, on the same day that Boyfriend came to visit and Pissco finding out that Toaster is not an adult and is in fact teenager. Despite Pissco's efforts, Boyfriend finds out and takes Toaster to live with him in his apartment for a while.

In the time that Toaster lived in the apartment, Boyfriend became more and more reclusive until he refused to come out of his room. Fortunately for him, Stryker, a friend of Boyfriend's, was staying with them and managed to take care of stuff. When Boyfriend had started to refuse coming out of his room however, Toaster had gotten more and more worried until he decided to check in on him, despite Boyfriend's warnings not to. And when he had checked in, Boyfriend was acting extremely strangely and turned around, breaking his arm and causing Toaster to reel back and hide. During that, Toaster called Pissco and tried to stay out of sight from Boyfriend. Pissco came and picked him up, stealing Boyfriend's car and driving Toaster to the hospital.

And so Toaster stayed at the hospital, Boyfriend visiting him to apologize and explain that it wasn't him that broke his arm, that it was Creepz latched onto his arm in ooze form, and that Creepz was gone now. Toaster found it to be relieving, but still didn't feel comfortable around Boyfriend for a while. A few days later Toaster was able to return home and Boyfriend had finally moved back in, with Pissco now taking the downstairs bathroom as his own room.

Toaster hits a bit of a depressive streak until he meets another boy in the neighborhood, Axel. They become friends, best friends, and then lovers in the span of a month or two. At this point he's turned 15, and is out of his cast.