


1 year, 3 months ago


  • Pronouns: He/him
  • Blood colour: Black/crimson
  • Spawndate: 25/10/-1
  • Age, during their generation: 21
  • Bond: Pacing (Paragon) - Can control how slow or fast someone or something moves by manifesting vinyls and making them spin at the desired speed. Said vinyls can also be used as weapons because of the strings/chains attached to them (and therefore his hands, yeah he can't physically fully let go of them when they manifest) which make them easy to throw around.
  • Lineage: Literature (Previous: Converge)
  • Description: Do you ever look back at something you admired and go "hey, wait, this is actually *terrifying* in retrospect"? Yeah, that's Brand's opinion of this dude. It's fairly public knowledge that his direct ancestor ended several paragon lineages by fusing with them and dying in the process (yes that's absolutely horrifying to think about). Vinylcheck is, in his own words, a way better person than his good-for-nothing ancestor and fights evildoers, but he's still a reasonably shady cadel.
  • Fun fact: Only a few cadels know his real name, of course including those who registered him when he spawned, and perhaps others that he's trusted enough. He's not too keen on revealing it, for one reason or another.
    [View this character on the Deathless website]