Domino Fallon



1 year, 3 months ago


  • Pronouns: He/him, she/her
  • Blood colour: Green
  • Spawndate: 23/09/-3
  • Age, during their generation: 23
  • Bond: (None)
  • Lineage: [UNKNOWN]
  • Description: What Domino lacks due to not having a bond, he easily compensates with discipline and combat prowess. In fact, I would not be surprised if she tried to fist fight a paragon, because he probably would do that if it was to protect Mersey. About that, despite cadels lacking the concept of families, Domino is basically Mersey's overprotective sibling, and for good reason, after all, the latter does have a very powerful bond. Maybe this overprotectiveness will one day bite him in the back, but who's to say that?
  • Fun fact: Domino had two possible colour schemes, from which some close friends helped me pick between. The one that wasn't picked was mainly orange with green highlights, but did not go unused, as it served to inspire Avril's colour scheme.

    [View this character on the Deathless website]