Nukahime (Midori)



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Nukahime also known as Midori


1000+ (perfers to look 20)


Nukahime (Midori) is a anicent dragon from a long gone royal draconic family. She currently works as a bounty hunter, with her weapon of choice being a pair of pistols which she change at will. her guns require no ammo as she has the abilty to craft bullets from any substance or element. her special bullet is that of a nuclear bullet which has earned her the nickname "Nukahime" or Nuclear Princess. she takes her job seriously and doesnt like to travel with a companion. Nukahime enjoys her guns and going after bounties. she has her own morals and chooses what rules she wants to follow and ones she does not. she values her own comfort and self-love.


Nukahime is a cold no-nonsense person who bot afraid to hurt those she finds weak or doesnt measure up to her vision of strength. the only people she has respect for is her boss and a select few fellow bounty hunters who have earned her trust. she's known to have a sick,macrabre type of humor but if you tell a good joke she'll laugh. she's someone who likes to travel and wishes to live in peace but due to no job giving her the benefits but her current one it isnt possible


Aromantic Asexual (not sex replused)