'Doktor' Yighygd'loth



1 year, 3 months ago


'Doktor' Yighygd'lothBenevolent Dimension Walker

Name Yighygd'loth
Nicknames Doc, Old Man
Age ~2,000+
Gender Male
Species Outer God
Height 183cm (6'0")
Occupation Observer
Alignment Lawful Good

"No one was created just to suffer."

A once feared outer being whose mindless path of destruction had led to an unexpected gift of sentience. The being once known as Yighygd'loth had spent millenia outside the realms of reality questioning both its own existence and the existence of those who dwell in the physical world. Taking on the manifastation as an old world researcher and adopting the name of "Doc", he now studies the natural world and the life within; earning a newfound respect and heartfelt care for those once considered "beneath" his kind.


Doc's years of journeying disguised as a human had made him a generally genial and soft-hearted person. A pacifist by nature, he would often serve as both a calm mediator and as a reliable shoulder for others to lean on. Rarely does he lash out in anger, only ever crossing that line towards those unwilling to listen or think.

However, his time spent in isolation and existential contemplation have also buried in him his own a deep sense of stubbornness and responsibility over others. Even despite his claim that he wishes to be seen as a "physical being no greater than anyone else", he struggles to let go of a certain sense of control he feels entitled to given his status as an outer being. This is especially seen when he's met with a situation or a question to which he can't find a solution or an answer to.

  • Black Tea
  • Listening to and Encouraging others
  • Book Collecting
  • Anguish and Suffering
  • Stubbornness in others
  • Nattō


Under Construction

Skills & Abilities

Eldritch Physiology
True to his kind, his form outside of his mild-mannered manifestation is an incomprehensible mass of tendrils, eyes, and vicera. Should the situation ever call for it, Doc can open holes in reality to allow at least some of this greater form into the physical world.

Spatial/Dimension Manipulation
Being a creature that dwells outside physical reality, Doc could seamlessly shape three-dimensional space and the relative position of any object or location of his choosing. The extent of these abilities range from compressing long distances into a few simple steps, pulling objects from different locations towards one centralized area, to being able to 'loop' two exits to a room into one another.

Dimensional Energy Manipulation
Discovered while studying the exent of his manipulation abilities along with his understanding of quantum thermodynamics, Doc can channel the energy created from tearing reality into a wide variety of different techniques.


  • Originally starting as an author avatar, followed then as an in-joke among close friends of a gag character in a proposed fighting game, the concept evolved into a standalone character after some brainstorming brought on by adapting the character into Dungeon Fighter Online back in 2018.
    • This also spawned an in-joke where the prior original design was a former body that was destroyed in a prior lifetime, a story which he doesn't wish to share and shudders thinking about it. Though he does miss the old outfit, if at least for the money and the sentimental value he put into the nerdy memorabilia he shamelessly wore.
  • His current style is a mix of 17th and 18th Century Englishman and the 'Geek Chic' brought on by David Tennant's iteration of The Doctor from Doctor Who (the latter of which also inspired his nickname).