Saki's Comments

I would use them in my story! Their character would be the next in line heir to the throne of the sun god. From their looks they’ll be a shy and feisty creature but overall they aren’t ready to take the throne. This involves a group of friends trying to help them feel comfortable with ruling and tries their best to help them but no matter what they don’t feeling as comfortable with the throne but gains more uncomfortable with ruling.

This involves the character to lash out of them trying to actually kill them but the more they fight them the more they realized that they aren’t themselves anymore. Almost as if something had changed them.

I would write a good profile about necessary information for him and, to put simply, draw him. I use social media (mainly Instagram) to create stories and make art with my characters in it. Sometimes I do sketches; sometimes I do full rendered scenes. I am the most enthusiastic about characters not designed by me since I can go out of my comfort zone with all the colors and patterns.

i will use it in RP or on my story! also  i am practicing my drawing skills, so he will get some sketches 👀

Can I adopt him?