Father Shane Marlow



6 years, 22 days ago


"God is not above man, nor is man above God, We are divinity."

  • Name: Father Shane Marlow
  • Birthday:December 12th
  • Age: 40 years old
  • Gender:Cis-male (he/him)
  • Sexuality: Closested Gay
  • Nationality: French
  • Occupation: Catholic Priest
  • Religion: Catholic, later adopts Satanisim
  • Theme Song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpxFUo7oxWM
  • Status: Alive


Shane is the type of man who keeps mostly to himself. He preaches with great exuberance. He is an incredily patient and open minded man, willing to sit down with and kisten to anyone from any religion about their religious or munane issues and offer them counsel. He won't judge you based on your sexuality, race, religion, gender or anything. He has low tolernace, however, for bigotry and finds it incredibly upsetting due to a past trauma. It is the one thing that will break this man down into tears.

He'll defend anyone who he thinks needs defending or cannot defend himself. He hates his colleagues who are bigoted and harbours no love for those who use their power adn religion to abuse and manipulate others.



  • Preaching
  • Good food (and wine)
  • Coffee
  • His niece
  • Spending time with his father and lover
  • Secretly enjoys heavy metal music


  • Bigots and scandals
  • People who abuse religion and power
  • Nuns
  • His colleagues



  • Height: 5'8"
  • Build: Slender and femminine
  • Eyes: Soft hazel
  • Skin tone: Pale
  • Hair color: Dark brown, looks black. Starting to go gray.
  • Hair style: Short and neatly combed back, sometimes sticking up in the front.
  • Demeanor: Quiet, reserved
  • Aesthetic: European Catholic
  • Appearance Notes:
    • I can't draw his horns evenly to save my damn life, alright? They are supposed to be symetrical and red.... Your typical 'devil horns' I tried...
    • His eyes turn red when 'demonizing' himself or when really angry.
    • He is still experimenting with his demon side, and his mutations can wildly vary to anything.
    • He almost always wears his traditional priest clothing. He has other clothes, believe it or not, he just doesn't go out often in them unless he's hiding.
    • He wears glasses for reading, but likes how they look so wears them a lot.





Shane's father was never around from teh begining. Shane spent the first part of his life with his mother. When Shane was five years old, his mother suddenly died in a tragic accident, leaving Shane an orhpan. The poor boy was thrown into an orhpanage. He was raised by the catholic church and remained there till he was too old, sadly, the boy never got adopted.

In his youth, he was found by a nun kissing another boy in a cloest, the two boys were beaten horribly, on of them sent off to another orphanage. Distraught, Shane learned to hide his attraction to other boys very quickly. From that day, Shane had a fear adn hatred of nuns, despite working with them regularly. Beind stuck in the same room as a nun scares him and upsets him greatly.

He grew out of the orphanage and went right back into the church, not knowing anything else. He quickly became a priest and became well known for his moving and deeply emotional sermons. A strange, rather alluring man came to him one day, saying he was seeking answers about his faith and asked to see Shane privately. Shane agreed. The strange man quickly seduced Shane, revealing he was an Incubus. Having respressed his desires for many years, Shane very quickly buckled and gave in.

The man took Shane to meet his father he never knew. Shane was shocked to find out his father was literally the devil, but quickly accepted it. He'd rather have a devil of a father than no father. The two quickly bonded and Shane learned religion wasn't exactly what he was raised to think. Shane is learning from his father and his Incubus lover how to ain control of his devil side. Shane uses his new powers to his advantage, starting to 'purge' the world of sinners.


Shane never had much of a family. He never knew his father growing up and his mother died off at a young age. Shane wouldn't really call many of the boys he grrew up with in the orphanage as siblings, he had a few friends, but none really kept in contact with him.

He is quickly developing a strong bond with his father, since both of them loved Shane's mother and share similar views about the Catholic church and religion in general. His father encourages his relationship with a trusted demon (though Shane's father warned the demon about breaking his son's heart).

Important Moments
