


1 year, 2 months ago


Liliana | 23 | Female | Coyote | Hunter

From: Colonies of America

"So this thing you want me to kill. Do you want the pelt or meat too? No? Well that's a free meal for me! "

Liliana is a Coyote that specializes in hunting large monsters. She spent her childhood learning how to hunt from her parents until one day her dad was slain by a demonic creature. It was then and there that Liliana committed to hunting monsters as her life job. 

In this world, the Earth has a ton of historical differences compared to our own. An example of this being America, which never expanded beyond their 13 colonies. When the Americans attempted to take more land, they were beaten relentlessly by the many different native tribes that lived there. Eventually the colonies were cursed with "unknown misfortune" for the next 1,000 years. What this ultimately led to was America being home to extremely terrifying versions of animals known as "Hell Vermin". These monsters exist solely to destroy land and consume anything that gets in their way. These are Liliana's prime targets, and she eventually travels to a far off kingdom called Khuraina when she hears of hell vermin being smuggled there by some unknown party. This leads to Liliana eventually meeting Breaker and his crew of mercenaries.

Liliana specializes in status ailments like poison, paralysis, etc, and has built an insane resistance to all types of toxins and ailments. This allows Liliana to last way longer in dangerous environments and fights without fatigue. While her regular claws are powerful, she wields a large set of blade claws built for monster hunting. She's very smart when it comes to tracking and scanning out different enemies. After all, she's a hunter.

Liliana isn't the best at reading a room. She's the kind of person that would talk about a really gory fight she had with a beast while everyone is eating. She's brash, and loves bragging about her impressive skills. This leads her to but heads with Breaker a ton, since the two of them are experts with nature and tracking. She gets along great with Mercury though, and the two are seen hanging out a lot at clubs together. Liliana isn't great about hygine either and will wear an outfit to work she had used the night before hunting and skinning a monster.

Extra Facts

  • Hates hunting shows, except for the cheesy ones about cryptids.
  • Has a habit of chewing on stuff at times when she's bored.
  • Will talk your ear off about hunting stuff if you give her the time of day.
  • Despite her unkept and dirty appearance, her fur is extremely soft.
  • She doesn't just laugh. She outright cackles and coughs.