Jodicus Fellows



1 year, 3 months ago
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Jodicus is a rather strange individual, though extremely kind-hearted. He's generally calm and soft-spoken, though his voice does go high when startled or afraid. He frequently goes on rambles about whatever is on his mind, and likes to say strange metaphors and comparisons that barely make sense to anyone but himself. He's very creative, especially when it comes to his language.

He's a worrier, and a planner, and tends to ruminate over things- whether that be something that's already happened, or something he's anticipating to happen.

He's extremely kind and generous, and always does his best to help others in any way he can, even at his own expense. He struggles with taking care of himself, especially if taking care of himself would mean turning down helping someone else.

Jodi is easily distracted.

  • Poetry , Metaphors
  • Language Learning
  • Easy Jobs
  • Charlie
  • Anxiety
  • Things Going Poorly
  • Turning Others Down
  • Bigotry
Daily Life

Jodicus works alongside Charlie as a small, independant contractor for exorcising and preventing "problem" spirits. The two work out of their apartment and handle all jobs together. While the pay isn't ludicrous, and they often struggle to pay for all their expenses, they enjoy what they do.

Their apartment is small and run down, and they're pretty much always behind on rent. They do odd jobs here and there for extra cash, such as maintenance, cleaning, etc.

They do not own a car, and as such, they walk or bus to all their job sites.


Jo has lived on the mortal realm for only about a dozen years. He has amnesia and while he knows he's an angel, he doesn't remember what his life was like prior to living on the mortal realm, except for a few spotty details here and there.

Charlie was the first person he can remember meeting on the mortal plane. They helped him get on his feet, housed him, and helped show him the ropes with what it's like to live in their society. While it took a bit of time for the two to grow close due to their contrasting personalities, due to both of their circumstances at the time, they quickly banded together to help one another. They continued to help each other with different problems that popped up, and the cycle continued until eventually they decided it would hurt too much to separate and they chose to stick together completely.

Despite his lack of memory, Jo decided what he wanted to do was help people, and as such, began using his exorcism magic to help those around him dealing with problem spirits. Charlie, being unemployed at the time, was quick to join him as his business partner.

The two have been living and working together ever since.

  • Jodicus also goes by "Jodi" or "Jo" for short
  • He rarely ever swears
  • He has ADHD
  • His hair is in a constant state of mess. Sometimes he wears it down, and sometimes he puts it in a ponytail or bun to get it out of his way
  • He's part scottish fold cat, but his ears are only semi-floppy
  • While his spells are most effective in exorcisms, he does have the capability of doing some other types of spells as well, such as protection spells
  • He has frequent nightmares about what his life was like pre-amnesia. However, he can never quite seem to grasp what they truly mean...


Best Friend / QPP
Charlie is Jodicus's best friend and queerplatonic partner. The two live and work together in a small apartment and have no plans to live separately. They spend the vast majority of their time together, basically glued to each others sides.

Charlie frequently picks on Jodicus, but he only pretends to be offended by the teasing. In reality, he finds her presence to be extremely comforting and reassuring. The two often know how each other are feeling, even with no or minimal words communicated between themselves.

They frequently hold hands and cuddle, especially when one or both of them is stressed or experiencing some sort of negative emotion.

Charlie frequently reminds and helps Jo to take care of himself.



Jess and Jo get along rather well. The two are on good terms and rarely get into arguments together, unlike Jess and Charlie.

Jo typically doesn't do anything to calm their bickering, and instead just sits back and quietly watches.



Havarti is one of Jo's good friends. The two often chill together and chat about whatever is on their minds. Due to both of them being easily distracted and jumping from topic to topic, their conversations may seem to make little sense to anyone but themselves at times.

Havarti loves to sneak up on Jo and scare him. Additionally, she's not exactly opposed to sniping him with her bow...