Charlie Stoll



1 year, 6 months ago
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Charlie is a typically kind individual, though she's rather easy to annoy. She's not one to hold back her temper and will actively seek revenge on those who hurt her or her friends. She's not afraid to get into fights if she deems them necessary, though she really does hate to hurt innocent people.

They're sassy and sarcastic, and aren't afraid to show it. They can also be rather blunt and enjoy picking on their friends.

She rarely admits it, but she does greatly enjoy helping those around her. She also doesn't frequently voice praise or affection, though she does feel it.

  • Meat
  • Helping Others
  • Warm Baths/Showers
  • Heated Blankets
  • Problem Spirits
  • Difficult/Complex Jobs
  • Capitalism
  • Bigotry
Daily Life

Charlie works alongside Jodicus as a small, independant contractor for exorcising and preventing "problem" spirits. The two work out of their apartment and handle all jobs together. While the pay isn't ludicrous, and they often struggle to pay for all their expenses, they enjoy what they do.

Their apartment is small and run down, and they're pretty much always behind on rent. They do odd jobs here and there for extra cash, such as maintenance, cleaning, etc.

They do not own a car, and as such, they walk or bus to all their job sites.


Charlie was raised from the dead roughly 15 years ago. She does not have any memory of what her life was like when she was "alive". For the first couple years of her undead life, she was controlled by a necromancer who used her and other zoumes for bad doings. Eventually, she decided there was more to life than hurting others, and as such she escaped from her creator and went about creating a life for herself.

She found herself a grocery store job and a small, rundown apartment to live in in the city. However, she was later fired for unspecified reasons (She's convinced that it was due to zoume-related bigotry, which is likely the truth).

About a year after her escape, Charlie met Jodicus right after he lost his memory. They helped him get on his feet, housed him, and helped show him the ropes with what it's like to live in their society. While it took a bit of time for the two to grow close due to their contrasting personalities, due to both of their circumstances at the time, they quickly banded together to help one another. They continued to help each other with different problems that popped up, and the cycle continued until eventually they decided it would hurt too much to separate and they chose to stick together completely.

When Jo decided to start up a problem-spirit exorcising business, Charlie was quick to offer her help. She was unemployed at the time anyways, so she didn't have much else to do with her time other than apply to jobs that would only deny her for being a zoume. So, she joined Jo as his business partner.

The two have been living and working together ever since.

  • Charlie does not have any memories of when she was "alive"
  • She has a kill count higher than you would expect
  • Their weapon of choice is a baseball bat with nails jammed into it


Best Friend / QPP
Jo is Charlie's best friend and queerplatonic partner. The two live and work together in a small apartment and have no plans to live separately. They spend the vast majority of their time together, basically glued to each others sides.

Charlie frequently picks on Jodicus, but Jo only pretends to be offended by the teasing, just as Charlie only pretends to not care for Jo. The two often know how each other are feeling, even with no or minimal words communicated between themselves.

They frequently hold hands and cuddle, especially when one or both of them is stressed or experiencing some sort of negative emotion.

Charlie frequently reminds and helps Jo to take care of himself.



Charlie and Jess are sworn frenemies. They're constantly bickering and trying to one-up each other, as well as pranking each other.

Despite this, when times are tough, they always seem to have each other's backs.