I favorited the post, Followed you on insta (I am millie the goth). subbed to your th, and favorited 15 characters! Ty for this chance! :D

  • - faved this post (+1)
  • - faved some characters from HERE (+5 entries (15 favs))
  • - subed to ur TH (+3!!)

Hi, just found your art and it's really adorable. 

What I did: 

- Favorited 22 characters

- Followed your Insta (Sadistic_Sapphire)

- Sub to your toyhouse

- commented on your DND character 

- Sent this a bit early lol but I also favorite this post and all your commission examples you had <3

Congrats you’re the final winner!!

As soon as everyone else has chosen what they want you’ll be able to!
If you could message me on discord (unkxwn#4959) or insta that would make communication easier!

Edit: Im so sorry to say but the lack of reply means I need to re-roll another winner as I can’t keep everyone waiting. Best of luck for next time!!

Thanks for the oppurtunity! What i did:

Favorited this post Favorited 3 OCS Followed your Insta Commented on your page Shared insta post on story Subscribed to toyhouse!


Favorited this post (+1)

Favorited 15 OCs (+5)

Followed Instagram, user is icedconfusion (+5)

Subscribed to TH (+3)

Came here just to spy on your boy Hale and then I see this post ??

- Faved this post (+1) - Total of 6 chara. faves! I'd already faved 1 so I just faved 5 more, inc. Hale which is why I came here to begin with. (+2) - Commented on Hale and werewolf man, but that was before I noticed u could get entries for that. I jsut want them in ways (+2) - Followed your Insta. You knxw who I am 😏 (+5) - Subscribe? been there, done that, got the promotion (+3)

13 entries total. My lucky number! Fun fact, the room I got my tonsils out was a room 13

Hello! Here's what I've done in order to enter the art raffle! <3

I favorited this post as well as 15 of your characters! I commented on Seltia's and Freylan's posts. I subscribed to your TH and I followed you on Instagram! (Username: Jamie_or_Jupiter)


I favorited this post, as well as 10 characters from your Seer and Dragonoid Series. 

(TBN, Kyran, Hiraeth, Salem, Seltia, Gwen, Llyr, Elric, Pwyll, Lucian) 

I also favorited 5 other characters. 

(Iradek, Villeth, Flux, Pandora, and Pino.)

I followed you on Instagram, my username is xenith_coffee_zeta. 

I subbed to your toyhouse. 

Hey! Congrats you’re the first winner!!

If you have discord or prefer insta let me know! That would be easier for communication!! Let me know here or in either dms which one of the listed prizes you’d prefer and I’ll roll the next winner!!

Im so sorry to say but the lack of reply means I need to re-roll another winner as I can’t keep everyone waiting. Best of luck for next time!!

hi! i faved the post, followed on insta and posted jerma burger (spookiesncream), i subbed to your th, and i favorited cozy, birch, cracker, and a tbn character!

Hiii!!!! Ty for the code!!! I faved this post, 3 of ur characters, followed your insta (@arosial1), and followed this acc!! I was gonna share a post but I don't rlly know how, so once I figure that out, if it's before the deadline I'll probably come over here and say so!!! 

hihi !! I faved this post, faved 15 characters, commented on your page, and followed your th !! I don't have Instagram so I couldn't do the Insta things !!

This user is not visible to guests.

Faved this, subbed, faved 15 characters and followed on insta! (kaubax)

Hey congrats! You’re winner number 3!
I'm still waiting on the first winner to choose what they want but as soon as they have you can soon!

If you could message me on Discord (unkxwn#4959) or Insta that would make communication easier <33

Edit: Winner number 2 due to re-rolls!

faved this and +15!!

Heya, I faved this post, faved all your ocs in the story/crossover folder, and followed your insta(My username is 80sfurtard) and I subbed to you! 

Faved 15 and this post, subbed, followed on insta (https://www.instagram.com/virusvalkyrie/)

Hey congrats!! You’re the 4th (re-rolled) winner!

As soon as everyone else has chosen you’re free to choose any of the prizes!

If you could message me on discord (unkxwn#4959) or insta that would make communication easier <33

thank you so much! i messaged you on discord

Faved and subbed!

Faved the post, faved 15+ characters, subbed to you and commented on 5 characters 

faved this post, am subbed here, and faved 3 of the d&d babs <3

Faved this post, subbed here and followed on insta (Corentine509)! <:


So, I faved this, faved Dahlia, Brittany and Lucian, not sure what this requirement meant but I like all 3 of them because their stories look like they would blend well together or work separately in such a way, that no matter what, many a finely weaved tale would be made. Though, I enjoy Lucian and his shadow wisps, especially with how he confidently wears what he likes and doesn't let anyone get to him in that way. Though Dahlia and Hale look so charming and resplendent together, like a patchwork blanket made outta love. Brittany on the other hand, just looks like a well composed statue, with eyes that, aren't inky pools but more like, something alive, something so animated and, literally eyecatching~

Favorited this post (+1)

Favorited 16 of your characters (+5)

Subbed to your TH (+3)

Commented on 3 of your ocs, and 1 on your page (+4)

Thank you so much for this opportunity 🌸

Hey congrats! You’re winner number 2!
I'm still waiting on the first winner to choose what they want but as soon as they have you can next!

If you could message me on Discord (unkxwn#4959) or something that would make communication easier <33

I did all the rules! 😅 My insta is , zeriack.ocs

Faved this post!

Faved (+1) Faved 15 more (+5) And subbed (+3)

Faved (this post)!

Thank you for the chance!

I faved the post [1], faved 15 characters [5], and commented on 3 characters [3]; that’s a total of 9 entries :]!

Hey congrats!! You’re the 4th (re-rolled) winner!

If you could message me on discord (unkxwn#4959) or something  that would make communication easier <33

Any option that’s not struck through is available!

Awesome! I sent a request! [Junkdrawer.gov]



faved Pendora, pog, paya, komi, Hiraeth, ebony, gwen

followed (_yellow_mello_art)

Faved this + 15 characters, followed on Instagram (I'm Memocavixxi) and subbed on here! ^^

Faved this. +1

Faved: Elijah, Ozzy, Sara, Gabriel, Simon, Hale. +2

Comment on Villeth. +1

Subbed! +3

Faved 15 characters including this one, subbed, and followed on insta!

My user on insta is the fallen_h0ll0w btw! (Forgot to add this)

faved this and all characters (82 I think?), and subbed!
So I think that's a total of 31 entries?
Thanks for the chance!^^

faved 6 chars i think, commented on one character, faved this post and subbed to you on here, followed on insta (same user) .. i think thats all lol