


1 year, 3 months ago


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Name Nimme Age 15
Nicknames N/A Birth Year 1302
Gender Female Pronouns She/Her
Place of Residence Rata Sum Dragon's Watch No
Occupation N/A Race Asura
Orientation Lesbian Partner N/A
Class Civillian Specialization N/A


HTML by: KnightOfSpring
Creator: Sunny
Created On: 3-12-2023
Status: Dead
In Game: No
In-Game Name: N/A



Nimme grew up with a weak physique and poor constitution like her older and younger brothers, but her symptoms presented stronger than both. Determined to not let this hinder her, she enrolled in the College of Synergetics. She did well through her childhood, but in her early teens, she found herself needing to take more frequent absent days from her studies, and became bedridden with alarming frequency.

Her oldest brother, Stauvv, a medical student with only a few years remaining in his studies, began taking care of her and doing his own studies into their unknown condition. Nimme resented feeling like a drag to him, especially when she noticed him skipping class to watch over her during the day, and the obvious increase of stress in his overall demeanor. Although she was stubborn to accept his help sometimes, she was nonetheless grateful to him.

Nimme passed away when she was 15 from an intense fever and respiratory infection they couldn't bring her down from.


Nimme is a quiet and sincere young girl with a strong sense of determination. With the desire to appear independent in spite of her health, she can sometimes overdo it. A lot of her worries stem from the care she has for the people close to her. It's not easy for her to voice it most times, but she often conveys her intense feelings in subtle ways she's confident they'll understand.


Eldest brother

Her caretaker who put much of his life to the side to give her the best care he could. Grateful, but wished he would focus on himself too

Younger brother

Close friend of hers. Would often keep her company by playing games and bringing home schoolwork to do with her, since she'd fallen behind.

Youngest sister

Adored and doted on Biijou all the time. Had always wanted a younger sister, and felt life was simpler when she spent time with the younger progeny

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