Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hello ^^

Just a tip, I'm not the best at knowing what needs to be labeled as triggering on characters and art/writing. So I apologize if you come across something that needs a warning label slapped on top but doesn't have one. There never will be NSFW/nudity/etc. so uh yeah it's safe in that sense.

I don't allow haters/trolls/scammers on my page thanks. If you are one of those types of people you better scamper on out of my turf.

nsfw/other inappropriate gross stuff/etc. Are not something I draw and I do not allow others to draw any of my characters in those situations 

Don't come to my page and complain about any of my stuff. If you comment just to be rude I might just ignore you completely, so just don't do it, there's no use. 

Don't come and tell me my characters are stolen/highly referenced from someone else. I either got my designs from someone by them giving them to me, or I made the characters myself without copying something else I saw. I don't care if they are similar, I didn't steal the design.

If you want to comment with some criticism on my art you better also have a suggestion on how to get better in that area you criticize.

Don't steal/copy/repost my characters/artwork/literature. I will find you if you do. 

I don't condone what any of my characters do/say/etc. Please don't get on my case for anything that is in their profiles etc. And my worlds are not cupcakes and rainbows so don't get on my case for those either.

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No thanks!